मालवीय राष्ट्रीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान जयपुर (राष्ट्रीय महत्व का संस्थान)
Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur (An Institute of National Importance)
Cultural Society

Classical Music And Dance Club

MNIT offers a vibrant platform for Indian classical music and dance enthusiasts, celebrating traditional rhythms from tabla beats to harmonium tones and classical dance forms. This club helps in rediscovering Indian heritage through events that promote classical singing, instrumental music, and dance, with Spic Macay events organized by the club..

Faculty Coordinators
Sr. No. Faculty Advisor Mail id Contact
1. Dr Prerna Jain pjain.ee@mnit.ac.in 9549659081
2. Mrs Sunita M Doddamani sunita.arch@mnit.ac.in 9448745243

Student Body
Sr. No. Position Name Mail id
1. General secretary Ashvajeet Athawale 2022uec1731@mnit.ac.in
2. Joint secretaries (Logistics + Decor + cultural) Khushi Gupta 2022ume1825@mnit.ac.in
3. Joint secretaries (Finance + Marketing)
4. Joint secretaries (Technical + Media)