मालवीय राष्ट्रीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान जयपुर (राष्ट्रीय महत्व का संस्थान)
Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur (An Institute of National Importance)
Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering


   Journal Publications (328)


Brij Mohan Mundotiya, Ashwin Shah, Pramendra Burdak, Shrawan Kumar Bairwa , " Development and Corrosion Behavior of Electrodeposited FeCoNiMoW and FeCoNiMoWCr High Entropy Alloy Coatings" , Journal of Alloys and Compounds Volume :1020 / 179466 / 2025

R K Saini, U Pandel, Vijay N Nadakuduru, "A review on high-entropy alloys synthesized via powder metallurgy route (Accepted) " , Physics of Metals and Metallography Volume :00 / / 2025

Brij Mohan Mundotiya, Banti Chauhan, and Shrawan Kumar Bairwa, "Corrosion and Hardness Studies of Electrodeposited Ni-Ag-hBN Composite Coatings: Effect of hBN Content" , International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology Volume :0 / / 2025

D Das, R K Saini, U Pandel, Vijay N Nadakuduru, "Mechanical Alloying of Al-5Mg-1.8Li (wt%) and Al-5Mg (wt%) powders (Accepted)" , Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics Volume :00 / / 2025

Pawan Bohane, Suresh Bandi, R. Karthikeyan, Pallavi Deshmukh, Trushar B. Gohil, and Ajeet K. Srivastav., "On the Improved Mechanical Properties and Corrosion Resistance in LM6 Alloy Through Eutectic Modification" , The Journal of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society Volume :77 / / 2025


P Singh, S Sharma, K Kumar, G Iyer, A Kumar, "A Comparative Study on Mechanical Properties of Yttrium Oxide and Reduced Graphene Oxide Reinforced Epoxy Nanocomposites" , Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance (JMEP) Volume :In Press / 1-11 / 2024

Nikunj Patel, Gaurav Mittal, Mitushi Agrawal, Ajaya Kumar Pradhan, "Aluminum foam production, properties, and applications: a review" , International Journal of Metalcasting Volume :18 / 2181-2198 / 2024

Ritesh Gupta2, Gaurav Mittal, Krishna Kumar, Upender Pandel, "Analysing the shape memory behaviour of GnP-enhanced nanocomposites: a comparative study between experimental and finite element analysis" , Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering Volume :32 / / 2024

Ritesh Gupta, Gaurav Mittal, Krishna Kumar and Upender Pandel, "Analysing the Shape Memory Behaviour of MWCNT-Enhanced Nanocomposites: A Comparative Study between Experimental and Finite Element Analysis" , Functional Composites and Structures Volume :4 / / 2024

Nilesh Tiwari, Aakif Anjum, Kakif Markad, Ritesh Gupta, Krishna Kumar, "Assessment of structural irregularities in piezoelectric-embedded laminated composites" , International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing Volume :1 / 1-32 / 2024

R K Saini, U Pandel, Vijay N Nadakuduru , "Characterization of AlCoCrFeMg high-entropy alloy synthesized using a combination of mechanical alloying and hot pressing" , Trans Indian Inst Met Volume :0 / / 2024

Ritesh Gupta, Gaurav Mittal, Gajendra Kumar Nhaichaniya, Krishna Kumar, Upender Pandel, "Comparative study on shape memory, mechanical, and thermomechanical properties of multi-walled carbon nanotubes and graphene nanoplatelets modified bidirectional (twill) carbon fiber polymer composite" , journal of applied polymer science Volume :56233 / 1-16 / 2024

Sunil Manani, Nidhi Sindhu, T. P. D. Rajan, R. K. Goyal and Sreekumar Vadakke Madam, "Development of A356-TiB2 In-Situ Nanocomposite Brake Disc via Intensive High Shear Mixing and Vertical Centrifugal Casting Techniques" , International Journal of Metalcasting Volume :- / 1-19 / 2024

V. S. Darekar and R. K. Goyal, "Development of single-layered radar-absorbing material composed of graphene nanoplatelets-reinforced glass fabric/epoxy hybrid composites for X-band" , Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics Volume :35 / 1167 / 2024

Banti Chauhan, Vijay Navaratna Nadakuduru, Brij Mohan Mundotiya , "Effect of Ag content on the friction and wear properties of electrodeposited self-lubricating NiAg coating" , Tribology - Materials, Surfaces & Interfaces Volume :18(2) / 124-132 / 2024

Mitushi Agrawal, Gaurav Mittal, Nikunj Patel, Ajaya Kumar Pradhan, "Effect of Aging Heat Treatment on Microstructure and Properties of AlCuMg Alloy" , Metallography, Microstructure, and Analysis Volume :00 / / 2024

Nikunj Patel, Mohit Joshi, Abhishek Singh, Gaurav Nandkishore Mittal, Mitushi Agrawal, Sunil Manani, Ajaya Kumar Pradhan , "Effect of Solution Heat Treatment (Temperature and Time) on Microstructure and Properties of AlCuMg Alloy" , International Journal of Metalcasting Volume :00 / 1151-1159 / 2024

Ravi Ranjan Kumar, Randhir Kumar Singh, Varsha Florist, Namit Pai, C. R. Anoop, Debasis Tripathy, S. V. S. Narayana Murty, "Effect of temperature and strain rate on the hot workability behaviour of Ni25Cr14W superalloy An approach using processing map and constitutive equation" , Journal of Materials Research Volume :39 / 23972414 / 2024

Premlata Rao, Sujata Singh, Krishna Kumar, Upender Pandel, Chandan Srivastava, "Electrochemical Behavior and Surface Chemistry Studies of Electrodeposited MnMoCrCoFeNiCu High Entropy Alloy-Carbon Nanotube Composite Coatings" , Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance Volume :5 / 1-16 / 2024

Mansha Mohan, Sujata Singh, Upender Pandel, Krishna Kumar, Chandan Srivastava, "Evolution of surface oxide chemistry and its effect on the electrochemical degradation behaviour of AlCoFeCuNi high entropy alloy coating incorporated with multiwalled carbon nanotubes" , Electrochimica Acta Volume :485 / 144095 / 2024

Nidhi Sindhu, Rajendra Kumar Goyal, V.M. Sreekumar, "Formation, dispersion and distribution of TiB2 particles in in-situ Al-TiB2 functionally graded nanocomposites" , Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A Volume :55 / 1654-1672 / 2024

Banti Chauhan, Vijay Navaratna Nadakuduru, Brij Mohan Mundotiya, "Friction and wear characteristics of electrodeposited Ni-based metallic coatings on Cu-substrate under high-temperature conditions" , Advanced Engineering Materials Volume :26 / 2400533 / 2024

Ravindra Singh Shekhawat, Vijay Navaratna Nadakuduru, "Friction Stir Spot Welding and Characterization of Bulk Aluminum Alloy 6061 Synthesized Using Powder Metallurgical Route" , Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics (Poroshkova Metallurgiya) Volume :63 / 147-158 / 2024

Boya Venugopal, Ravi Mudike, Ranjith Ravi, Prasanta Kumar Sahoo, Abhishek Tripathi, Indrajit Shown, "Harnessing Enhanced Stability and High-Rate Capability in Lithium-Ion Batteries using Synergistic SnS2/MoS2 2D Nanostructures with Optimized Conversion/Alloying Reactions" , Journal of Alloys and Compounds Volume :984 / 173886 / 2024

Mrigesh N Verma, Vijay N Nadakuduru, "Hot forging of induction sintered Ti-46Al-1B (at%) alloy synthesized via powder metallurgy route" , Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance (JMEP) Volume :0 / / 2024

Sunil Manani, Mukesh Kumar, Patel Nikunj, Ajaya Kumar Pradhan, "Impact of Melt Thermal Treatment and Artificial Aging on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of A356 Alloy" , Metallography, Microstructure, and Analysis Volume :00 / / 2024

Nikunj Patel, Sunil Manani, Ajaya Kumar Pradhan, "Influence of Copper Addition on Microstructure, Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Al12.6% ZnMg Alloys" , International Journal of Metalcasting Volume :18 / 2624-2632 / 2024

Anand Kumar, Damodran, Randhir Kumar Singh, R.K. Kumar, S. Cyril Joseph Daniel, Adarsh K Hegde, BK Nagesha, "Influence of heat treatment on welding process of electron beam parts manufactured via laser powder bed fusion" , Procedia Structural Integrity Volume :56 / 65-70 / 2024

Vijay T. Gaikwad, M. K. Mishra, R. K. P. Singh , "Influence of post-weld heat treatment on microstructure and corrosion behavior of dissimilar friction welded joint of IN713LC superalloy and AISI 4140 steel" , Metallography, Microstructure, and Analysis Volume :13 / 400-409 / 2024

Akash Sharma, Krishan Kumawat, Pawan Singh Birda, and Jyotirmaya Kar, "Influence of RSW Process Parameters on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Interstitial Free Steel Joints" , Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance Volume :0 / / 2024

Mansha Mohan, Sujata Singh, Krishna Kumar, Upender Pandel , "Infuence of Heat Treatment on Microstructural, Corrosion and Tribological Behaviour of Electrodeposited AlCoFeMnNiCu High Entropy Alloy Coatings" , Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series D Volume :1 / / 2024

R. K. Singh, S. Paswan, "Isothermal High-Temperature Oxidation Behaviour of Nickel-Based Superalloy IN740H" , Trans Indian Inst Met Volume :77 / 1287-1297 / 2024

Nikunj Patel, Ajaya Kumar Pradhan, "Mechanical Properties, Thermal Properties and Microstructure of Heat-Treated Al-Zn-Mg-x%Cu (0.02 wt% Cu and 0.89 wt% Cu) Alloy" , International Journal of Metalcasting Volume :00 / 1-11 / 2024

Suraj Prasad, S Sharma, Chintham Satish, Pushpender Singh, Satish Indupuri, P Sai Kiran, Niranjan Pandit, Shailesh Mani Pandey, Anup Kumar Keshri, "Microstructural, mechanical, room, and high temperature tribological properties of graphene oxide reinforced plasma sprayed alumina nanocomposite coatings" , Journal of Materials Research Volume :in press / 1-15 / 2024

V.T. Gaikwad, I. Balasundar, A. Tripathi, R.K.P. Singh, M.K. Mishra, "Microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of friction welded IN713LC and AISI 4140" , Materials Science and Technology Volume :. / 1-12 / 2024

R. D. Gadve and R. K. Goyal, "Morphology and electrical conductivity of carbon-coated nickel reinforced high-performance polymer nanocomposites" , Nanotechnology Volume :35 / 335205 / 2024

Bibhuti B. Sahoo, Prasanta K. Sahoo, Vijayabhaskara Bhaviripudi, Krushna C. Sahu, Abhishek Tripathi, N. K. Sahoo, R. Aepuru, Vishwajit M. Gaikwad, Srikant Sahoo, A.K. Satpati, and Chuan-Pei Lee, "Multifunctional Dy2NiMnO6/Reduced Graphene Oxide Nano composites and Their Catalytic, Electromagnetic Shielding, and Electrochemical Properties" , ACS Omega Volume :9 / 4600-4612 / 2024

Abhishek Tripathi, Asim Tewari, "On the experimental and numerical investigation of friction stir processing under varying cooling medium" , Materials Science and Technology Volume :. / 1-10 / 2024

Vijay T. Gaikwad, M. K. Mishra, Abhishek Tripathi, R. K. P. Singh, "On the role of upset pressure during friction welding of IN713LC and AISI 4140 " , Materials Science and Technology Volume :0 / 1-9 / 2024

V.T. Gaikwad, M.K. Mishra, Abhishek Tripathi, R.K.P Singh, "On the role of upset pressure during friction welding of IN713LC and AISI 4140" , Materials Science and Technology Volume :. / / 2024

Mansha Mohan, Sujata Singh, Upender Pandel, Krishna Kumar, Chandan Srivastava, "Optimization of surface oxide chemistry for enhanced corrosion resistance of AlMnFeCoNi Carbon nanotube composite coatings" , Journal of Alloys and Compounds Volume :1003 / 175766 / 2024

Mansha Mohan, Upender Pandel, Krishna Kumar, "Phase composition, surface chemistry and electrochemical studies of electrodeposited AlMnFeCuNi high entropy alloy composite coatings incorporated with carbon nanotubes" , Materials Research Express Volume :11 / 1-29 / 2024

Akash M Nair, Rahul Kumar, Shubhendra Shivam Maurya, Atirek Gaur, Anup Kumar Keshri, Swati Sharma, "Plasma Sprayed Titanium-Nanodiamond Composite Coatings with Enhanced Mechanical Properties" , Materials Today Communications Volume :41 / 110238 / 2024

Mandar Joshi, Akhilesh Goyal, Roshan Gadve, Gautam Upadhyay, RAJENDRA KUMAR Goyal, "Poly (ether-ketone)/silica nanocomposites: Storage modulus and hardness" , High Performance Polymers Volume :- / / 2024

R. K. Goyal, "Poly (ether-sulfone)/MWCNT nanocomposites manufactured by powder metallurgy route and their dynamic mechanical properties" , Nanotechnology Volume :35 / 155702 / 2024

Rahul Kumar, Satish Indupuri, Krishna Kant Pandey, Swati Sharma, Shailesh Mani Pandey, Anup Kumar Keshri, "Process-structure-stoichiometry correlation of plasma sprayed GdNbO4 coatings" , Ceramics International Volume :-- / / 2024

V. S. Darekar, M. G. Kulthe, A. Goyal, R. K. Goyal, "Rice Husk Ash: Effective Reinforcement for Epoxy-Based Composites for Electronic Applications" , Journal of Electronic Materials Volume :53 / 1344-1359 / 2024

Ritesh Gupta, Nilesh Tiwari, Krishna Kumar, Upender Pandel, "Shape memory, mechanical and thermomechanical property comparison in MWCNT and GnP modified Bi-directional (plain) carbon fiber polymer composites" , Polymer Composites Volume :1 / 1-22 / 2024

Ishwar Sharma, K. V. K. Adari, Lokesh Biddika, Kunal Borse, "Synthesis and characterization of water-based CIGS ink for photovoltaic applications" , Discover Materials Volume :4 / 76 / 2024

V. S. Darekar, R. D. Gadve and R. K. Goyal, "Transforming agriculture waste into useful filler for a sustainable epoxy-glass fabric composites: microwave absorbing applications" , Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics Volume :35 / 1911 / 2024

Banti Chauhan, Vijay Navaratna Nadakuduru and Brij Mohan Mundotiya, "Tribology - Materials, Surfaces & Interfaces" , Tribology - Materials, Surfaces & Interfaces Volume :00 / 1 / 2024

M. Kumar, R. K. Goyal, S. Sharma, "Viscoelastic behaviour of poly (ether-ketone)/fly ash composites fabricated by powder metallurgical route" , High Performance Polymers Volume :36 / 130-140 / 2024

Pooja Singh, Swati Sharma, Kaushal Kumar, Ganesh Iyer, Sohan Lal, Arun Kumar, "Viscoelastic behaviour of yttrium oxide and reduced graphene oxide embedded epoxy nanocomposite" , Engineering Research Express Volume :6 (2) / 025522 / 2024

N. K. Sahu, R. K. Naik, D. Panda, S. K. Sahoo, P. K. Kar, S. K. Badjena , "Weld Morphology and Corrosion Characteristics of Flux-Assisted Gas Tungsten Arc-Welded Super Duplex Stainless Steel" , Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance (JMEP) Volume :- / / 2024


M. Kumar, A. Kumar, R. K. Goyal, S. Sharma, "A novel approach of fabricating low-cost high temperature printed circuit board substrate based on poly (ether-ketone)/fly ash composites" , Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics Volume :34 / 1238 / 2023

Gaur, Atirek, Upender Pandel, and Swati Sharma, "A study of investigating the effects of variables and assessing the efficiency of air plasma spray as a coating technique" , Materials Today: Proceedings Volume :in press / / 2023

M. Joshi, R. Gadve, G. Upadhyay, R. K. Goyal, "Coefficient of thermal expansion and thermal conductivity of poly (ether-ketone)silica nanocomposites for electronic packaging substrate" , Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics Volume :34 / 2276 / 2023

Prasanta Kumar Sahoo, Niraj Kumar, Abhishek Tripathi, "Direct growth of hierarchically SnS2 layered nanostructure on nickel foam for high-performance solid-state supercapacitors" , Materials Today: Proceedings Volume :74 / 730-735 / 2023

Nikunj Patel, Sunil Manani, Ajaya Kumar Pradhan, "Effect of Addition of Cu on Microstructure and Some Properties of 5754 Aluminum Alloy" , Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals Volume :76 / 19291936 / 2023

A. Kumari, A. Kumar, R. Dawn, J. Roy, S. Jena, R. Vinjamuri, D. Panda, S. K. Sahoo, and V. R. Singh, "Effect of Annealing Temperature on the Structural, Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Co doped TiO2 Nanoparticles: An Investigation by Synchrotron-Based Experimental Techniques" , Journal of Alloys and Compounds Volume :933 / 167739 / 2023 ISBN: 9258388

Sandeep Mahore, Swati Sharma, Ipsita Priyadarshini, Prasanta Kumar Sahoo, Abhishek Tripathi, "Effect of cold rolling and annealing on the microstructure evolution of titanium alloy grade 2" , Materials Today: Proceedings Volume :in press / / 2023

Sunil Manani, Nikunj Patel, Ajaya Kumar Pradhan, "Effect of Modified Casting Process on Toughness and Wear Resistance of LM25 Alloy" , Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals Volume :76 / 10951102 / 2023

Jyotirmaya Kar, "Effect of process parameters on porosities in electron beam welded AA-6061 to AA-2024 dissimilar joints" , Welding in the World Volume :67 / 2007-2016 / 2023

Nikunj Patel, Mohit Joshi, Abhishek Singh, Ajaya Kumar Pradhan, "Effect of Solution Heat Treatment on Microstructure and some Properties of AlCuMg Alloy" , Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals Volume :76 / 26812689 / 2023

K Vamsi Krishna, Sriharitha Rowthu, Vijay N Nadakuduru, Ganesh Pilla, N Kishore Babu, "Effect of Welding Speed and Post Weld Heat Treatment on Microstructural Characterization and Mechanical Properties of Gas Tungsten Arc Welded Ti-15V-3Al-3Cr-3Sn Joints" , Fusion Science and Technology Volume :00 / / 2023

Umesh Somaji Waware, Ab Qayoom Mir, Roshan Nazir, AMS Hamouda, Ajaya Kumar Pradhan, "Electrodepositvely Introducing Micro Particles of TiO2 in NiB Coatings and Its Effect on Physical Properties and Corrosion Performance of NiB Coatings" , Journal of Surface Investigation: X-ray, Synchrotron and Neutron Techniques Volume :17 / 14441451 / 2023

Nikunj Patel, Ajaya Kumar Pradhan, "Influence of Copper Addition on Microstructure, Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Al-Zn-Mg Alloys" , International Journal of Metalcasting Volume :00 / / 2023

I Sharma, H Gulupalli, S Thada, S Jain, RK Goyal, K Borse, "Low-temperature synthesis of lead-free Cs2AgBiBr6 double-perovskite ink" , Nanomaterials and Energy Volume :11 (3-4) / 80-84 / 2023 ISBN: 2045-9831

Atirek Gaur, Rahul Kumar, Pushpender Singh, Upender Pandel, Anup Kumar Keshri, Swati Sharma, "Mechanical and Tribological Behavior of Titanium and Cerium Oxide-Reinforced Plasma-Sprayed AlNiCoCrSi HEA Coatings" , Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A Volume :54 / 47574769 / 2023

Krishna, C. Gopi Krishna, Polamarasetty Nagendra, M.K. Talari, Vijay N. Nadakuduru, Nagumothu Kishore Babu, "Microstructural characterization and mechanical properties of metastable beta and alpha+ beta titanium alloy electron beam weldments, Fusion Science and Technology (Accepted)" , Fusion Science and Technology Volume :0 / / 2023

Shubhendra Shivam Maurya, Krishna Kant Pandey, Swati Sharma, Sudha Kumari, Kamlesh Kumar Mirche, Deepak Kumar, Shailesh Mani Pandey, Anup Kumar Keshri, "Microstructural, mechanical and tribological behavior of nanodiamonds reinforced plasma sprayed nickel-aluminum coating" , Diamond and Related Materials Volume :133 / 109714 / 2023

NK Singh, A Kumar, R Dawn, S Jena, A Kumari, VR Singh, M Zzaman, R Shahid, D Panda, SK Sahoo, UK Goutam, VK Verma, K Kumar, M Khatravath, A Priyamt, "Resonance Photoemission Spectroscopic Study of Thermally Evaporated NiTiO3 Thin Films" , Journal of Electronics Material Volume :52 / 669 / 2023 ISBN: 0361-5235

V.T. Gaikwad, M.K. Mishra, V.D. Hiwarkar, R.K.P. Singh , "Role of friction time on the joint characteristics of continuous drive friction welded Inconel 718 and EN24 steel" , Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance Volume :32 / 1660-1670 / 2023

Santosh, P. K. Sain, Aman Kabra, Nimu Chand Reger, Dhanraj Solanki, R. K. Goyal, A. K. Bhargava, "Tribological Behaviour of Silicon Nitride Reinforced Polycarbonate Nanocomposites" , Journal of Applied Polymer Science Volume :140 (18) / 53807 / 2023

Premlata Rao, Sujata Singh, Krishna Kumar, Upender Pandel, Chandan Srivastava, "Understanding the evolution of microstructure, phase homogeneity, electrochemical characteristics and surface chemistry of electrodeposited MnCrCoFeNiCu high entropy alloy coating with reinforcement o" , Surface and Coatings Technology Volume :471 / 129912 / 2023

R. D. Gadve, Y. Trivedi, V. K. Sangal, V. M. Sreekumar and R. K. Goyal, "Utilization of rice husk ash as an effective reinforcement in polyether sulfone-based composites for printed circuit board" , Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics Volume :34 / 1953 / 2023

Jyotirmaya Kar, "X-ray tomography studies of electron beam welded Inconel-718 to AISI-316L dissimilar joints" , Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals Volume :0 / / 2023


D. Panda, S. Tripathy, R. K. Sabat, S. Suwas, and S. K. Sahoo, "An investigation on the correlation between microstructure, texture and mechanical properties of Mg and its alloys" , Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance Volume :31 / 9183 / 2022 ISBN: 1059-9495

Brij Mohan Mundotiya, Dragan Dinulovic, Lutz Rissing, Marc Christopher Wurz, "Characterization of Microtransformers with Magnetic Ni-Fe-W alloy Cores Plated at Two Different Substrate Temperatures" , Sensors and Actuators A: Physical Volume :338 / 113454 / 2022

Sunil Manani, Aashendra Patodi, Mrigesh Navalkishor Verma, Ajaya Kumar Pradhan, "Comparative Study of Microstructure and Properties of Hypoeutectic Al-Si Alloys Being Cast With and Without Melt Thermal Treatment" , Metallography, Microstructure, and Analysis Volume :11 / 415424 / 2022

M.G. Kulthe, R.K. Goyal, S.P. Butee, "Creep, recovery and dynamic mechanical properties of PEK/ MWCNT nanocomposites" , Materials Science and Engineering B Volume :282 / 115752 / 2022 ISBN: ISSN:0921-5107

Umesh Somaji Waware, Roshan Nazir, AMS Hamouda, Ajaya Kumar Pradhan, "Effect of addition of Pd on electrodeposited NiB coatings" , The European Physical Journal Plus Volume :137 / 744 / 2022

Jyotirmaya Kar, K. Guguloth, "Effect of beam oscillation on creep properties of electron beam welded AISI 316L stainless steel" , Metals and Materials International Volume :28 (2) / 503-513 / 2022

RK Rai, PSM Jena, N Paulose, JK Sahu , "Effect of carbide precipitation on Coffin-Manson relationship of a polycrystalline nickel-based superalloy" , Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures Volume :17567002 / 17567002 / 2022

A. Singh, R. Dawn, V. K. Verma, D. Panda, S. K. Sahoo, K. Kumar, and V.R. Singh, "Electronic and magnetic properties of FeCr2O4 nanoparticles by advanced synchrotron based soft X-ray magnetic circular dichroism" , Physica B: Condensed Matter Volume :647 / 414373 / 2022 ISBN: 0921-4526

BG Gupta K, S Patnaik, BC Ray, RK Rai, RK Prusty , "Elevated temperature mechanical behavior of nano Al2O3 embedded interpenetrating polymer network/glass fiber composites" , Journal of Applied Polymer Science Volume :139 / 41 / 2022

Shramana Bhattacharya, Anup Anang Das, Ganesh Chandra Dhal, Prasanta Kumar Sahoo, Abhishek Tripathi, Naresh Kumar Sahoo, "Evaluation of N doped rGO-ZnO-CoPc(COOH)8 nanocomposite in cyanide degradation and its bactericidal activities" , Journal of Environmental Management Volume :302 / 114022 / 2022

Niraj Kumar, Bibhuti Bhusan Sahoo, Krushna Chandra Sahu, Naresh Kumar Sahoo, Brundabana Naik, Ankur Soam, Rahul Kumar, Abhishek Tripathi, Prasanta Kumar Sahoo, "Evolution of hierarchical petal-like 3D SnS2 as high-performance electrode materials for supercapacitor applications" , Materials Today: Proceedings Volume :67 / 1039-1042 / 2022

Suresh Bandi and Ajeet K. Srivastav, "Formation mechanism of nanocrystalline W derived cubic-H0.5WO3" , Scripta Materialia Volume :208 / 114363 / 2022

Ravi Ranjan Kumar, Randhir Kumar Singh, C.R. Anoop, Ranjan Das, S.V.S. Narayana Murty, K. Thomas Tharian, and A. Alex, "Influence of Filler Metal on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of 316Ti15-5 PH Stainless Steel Weld Joints" , Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance Volume :31 / 1009910107 / 2022

Rahul Verma, Swati Sharma , Biswajyoti Mukherjee , Pushpender Singh , Aminul Islam , Anup Kumar Keshri, "Microstructural, mechanical and marine water tribological properties of plasma-sprayed graphene nanoplatelets reinforced Al2O3- 40 wt% TiO2 coating" , Journal of the European Ceramic Society Volume :42 / 2892-2904 / 2022 ISBN: 0955-2219

D. Panda, R. Kushwaha, R. K. Sabat, S. Suwas, and S. K. Sahoo, "Microstructure and texture evolution during grain growth of AM30 magnesium alloy" , Philosophical Magazine Volume :102 / 2207 / 2022 ISBN: 1478-6435

Swati Sharma, Ashok Sharma, NSR Raghavendra, Yatharth Trivedi , Ashok Choudhary, "mprovement in Properties of Hadfield Manganese Steel Casting A Review" , Indian Foundry Journal Volume :68 / 21-27 / 2022

N. Sahu, D. Panda, S. K. Badjena, and S. K. Sahoo, "Multicomponent flux for improved penetration and metallurgical properties using A-GTAW" , Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance Volume :32 / 4237 / 2022 ISBN: 1059-9495

R. K. Goyal, R. Agrawal, and A. K. Bhargava, "Poly(ether-Ketone) (PEK)/ceramic Nanocomposites as Alternate Materials for Printed Circuit Board Application" , Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering Volume :61 / 471-481 / 2022 ISBN: 2574-0881

R.K. Rai, "Role of stacking fault on mechanical properties of a DS alloy" , Materials Science and Technology Volume :1-6 / / 2022

D. Panda, R. K. Sabat, S. Suwas, and S. K. Sahoo, "Role of temperature and precipitates on the evolution of microstructure and texture during grain growth of Mg3Al0.2Ce alloy" , Philosophical Magazine Volume :102 / 1091 / 2022 ISBN: 1478-6435

Pavan Bijalwan, Krishna Kant Pandey, Swati Sharma, Pushpender Singh, Atasi Dan, Atanu Banerjee, A.N.Bhagat, Anup Kumar Keshri, "Single-step approach to tune the wettability of plasma sprayed crystalline and amorphous Fe-based coating" , Surface and Interfaces Volume :30 / 1-12 / 2022

RK Rai, "Slip localization and Cr23C6 carbide formation during low cycle fatigue of a polycrystalline nickel-base superalloy" , Materials Chemistry and Physics Volume :291 / 126780 / 2022

S. N. Alam, P. Shrivastava, D. Panda, B. Gunale, K. Susmitha, and P. Pola, "Synthesis of Al2Cu Intermetallic Compound by Mechanical Alloying" , Materials Today Communications Volume :31 / 103267 / 2022 ISBN: 2352-4928


Rajesh Kumar Rai, and Chandan Srivastava., " "Synthesis and Mechanism of Formation of Non-equilibrium Ag–Ni Nanotubes"." , Metallography, Microstructure, and Analysis Volume :10 / 86-95 / 2021

Rai RK, Sahu JK, Paulose N, Fernando DC. , ""Tensile deformation micro-mechanisms of a polycrystalline nickel base superalloy: From jerky flow to softening."" , Materials Science and Engineering A Volume :21 / 807 / 2021

Rahul Sen, Upender Pandel, "Conceptual kinetic study for the catalytic effect of limestone on mill scale reduction by low grade coal" , Powder Technology Volume :378 / 510-520 / 2021

P. Shrivastava, S. N. Alam, D. Panda, S. K. Sahoo, T. Maity, and K. Biswas, "Development and mechanical properties investigation of Cu-MWCNT-graphite Nanoplatelets hybrid Nanocomposites" , Diamond and Related Materials Volume :117 / 108467 / 2021 ISBN: 1879-0062

Mohini Tiwari, Roshan D. Gadve and R. K. Goyal, "Effect of Bamboo-Like Carbon Nanotubes on Morphology, Electrical Properties and Thermal Conductivity of Poly(ether-Ketone) Matrix Nanocomposites" , Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering Volume :60 / 1292-1307 / 2021 ISBN: 2574-0881

Jyotirmaya Kar, "Effect of beam oscillation on residual stress and corrosion properties of AISI 316L electron beam welds" , Metallography, Microstructure, and Analysis Volume :10 (5) / 652-660 / 2021

Ravindra S Shekhawat, Vijay Nadakuduru, "Impact of Post Weld Heat Treatment on Mechanical and Microstructural Properties of Underwater Friction Stir Spot Welded 6061 Aluminium Alloy" , Materials Today: Proceedings, in Press Volume :000 / 0,0 / 2021 ISBN: 000

R. K. Goyal, Parikshit Tamhane and Siddhant Tambat, "Improvement in dielectric properties of the three-phase GN–BaTiO3–PEK nanocomposites with and without silane coupling agent" , Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics Volume :32 / 28468-479 / 2021

Vijay Kumar Pandey, Sunil Kumar Jatav, Upender Pandel, Rajendra Kumar Duchaniya, "Influence of temperature on thermo physical properties of non-prototype material (CaO-Fe2O3, 21:79 by wt. %) for nuclear reactor" , Indian Journal of Engineering & Materials Sciences Volume :28 / 165-173 / 2021 ISBN: 0975-1017

A. M. Patki and R. K. Goyal, "Investigation of Non-Isothermal Crystallization, Dynamic Mechanical and Dielectric Properties of Poly(ether-Ketone) Matrix Composites " , Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering Volume :60 / 70-83 / 2021 ISBN: 2574-0881

V.T. Gaikwad, M.K. Mishra, V.D. Hiwarkar, R.K.P. Singh, "Microstructure and mechanical properties of friction welded carbon steel (EN24) and nickel based superalloy (IN718)" , International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials Volume :28 / 111-119 / 2021

U.S. Waware, R. Nazir, A.Prasad, A.M.S.Hamouda, A.K. Pradhan, M. Alshehri, R. Syed, A. Malik, M.S. Alqahtan, "Preparation and properties of electrodeposited Ni-B-V2O5 composite coatings" , Surface & Coatings Technology Volume :409 / 126888 / 2021 ISBN: 0257-8972

C.R.Anoop, R.K.Singh, Ravi Ranjan Kumar, A. Prabhu, M.Jayalakshmi, S.V.S.Narayana Murty, and K.Thomas Tharian, "Review on Steels for Cryogenics Applications" , Materials Performance and Characterization Volume :10 / 16-88 / 2021

Suresh Bandi and Ajeet K. Srivastav, "Review: Oxygen-deficient tungsten oxides" , Journal of Materials Science Volume :56 / 6615 / 2021

C. Kumar, P.S.M. Jena, R.K. Singh, G.A. Harmain, J.K. Sahu, "Strain ratio effect on microstructural evolution during low cycle fatigue exploitation of nickel base superalloy IN 740H" , International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping Volume :194 / 1-10 / 2021

Nidhi Sindhu, Rajendra Kumar Goyal, Thankachan T. Pullan, Unnikrishnan, T.P.D. Rajan, Sreemanu, Sreekumar Vadakke Madam, "Study on Al/TiB2 functionally graded metal matrix composites" , Materials Today: Proceedings Volume :44 / 2945–295 / 2021

S. D. Bhosale, S. Gaikwad, R. D. Gadve and R. K. Goyal, "Synergistic Effects of Graphene Nanoplatelets on X-Band Electromagnetic Interference Shielding, Thermal Expansion and Thermal Stability of Poly(ether-ketone) Based Nanocomposites" , Materials Science & Engineering: B Volume :265 / 115038 / 2021 ISBN: ISSN:0921-5107

Swarnima Singh, Swati Sharma, Anup Kumar Keshri, "Tribological Behaviour of Plasma-Sprayed Graphene Nanoplatelets Reinforced Hydroxyapatite Nanocomposite Coating" , Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals Volume :74 / 2901-2907 / 2021

Suresh Bandi and Ajeet K. Srivastav, "Understanding the growth mechanism of hematite nanoparticles: The role of maghemite as an intermediate phase" , Crystal Growth & Design Volume :21 / 16 / 2021

Suresh Bandi and Ajeet K. Srivastav, "Unraveling the growth mechanism of W18O49 nanowires on W surfaces" , CrystEngComm Volume :23 / 6559 / 2021

Suresh Bandi and Ajeet K. Srivastav, "Unveiling the crystallographic origin of mechanochemically induced monoclinic to triclinic phase transformation in WO3" , CrystEngComm Volume :23 / 1821 / 2021


Rahul Sen, Upender Pandel, "Closed crucible reduction of lump powdered mill scale or iron ore by coal: The sequential methodology and mechanism for optimization of process parameters" , Advanced Powder Technology Volume :31 / 3760-3773 / 2020

R.K. Duchaniya, U. Pandel, P. Rao, "Coatings based on high entropy alloys: An overview" , Materials Today: Proceedings Volume :44 / 44674473 / 2020

RK Rai, JK Sahu, SK Das, N Paulose, C Fernando, "Creep‐fatigue deformation micromechanisms of a directionally solidified nickel‐base superalloy at 850° C " , Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & St Volume :43 / 51-62 / 2020

Suresh Bandi, Devthade Vidyasagar, Shaik Adil, Manish Kumar Singh, Joysurya Basu, and Ajeet K. Srivastav,, "Crystallite size induced bandgap tuning in WO3 derived from nanocrystalline tungsten" , Scripta Materialia Volume :176 / 47 / 2020

C.R. Anoop, R.K. Singh, Ravi Ranjan Kumar, M. Jayalakshmi, S.V.S. Narayana Murty, and K.Thomas Tharian, "Development and Validation of Processing Maps for Hot Deformation of Modified AISI 321 Austenitic Stainless Steel " , Materials Performance and Characterization Volume :9 / 150-169 / 2020

Pranjal Chauhan , Sushil Yebaji , Vijay N. Nadakuduru , T. Shanmugasundaram , "Development of a Novel Light Weight Al35Cr14Mg6Ti35V10 High Entropy Alloy Using Mechanical Alloying and Spark Plasma Sintering" , Journal of Alloys and Compounds Volume :820 / 153367 / 2020 ISBN: ISSN: 0925-8388

P. Shrivastava, S. N. Alam, D. Panda, S. K. Sahoo, T. Maity, and K. Biswas, "Effect of addition of multiwalled carbon nanotube/graphite nanoplatelets hybrid on the mechanical properties of aluminium" , Diamond and Related Materials Volume :104 / 107715 / 2020 ISBN: 1879-0062

Mukesh Kr Chowrasia Akshay Kumar M K Banerjee U Pandel, "Effect of Aging on Structure and Properties of a Transformation-Induced Plasticity Aided High-Manganese Steel" , Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance Volume :29 / 648–661 / 2020 ISBN: 1059-9495

Sunil Kumar. Jatav, Vijay K. Pandey, Parimal P. Kulkarni, Arun K. Nayak, Upender. Pandel and Rajendra K. Duchaniya, "Effect of Air-Quenching on Properties of CaO-Fe2O3 and CaO-B2O3 Simulant Materials for Nuclear Reactor" , Journal of Physics: Conference Series Volume :1455 / 1-7 / 2020 ISBN: 1742-6588

Vijay Kumar Pandey, Sunil Kumar Jatav, Upendra Pandel, Rajendra Kumar Duchaniya,, "Effect of composition of thermal stability and microstructural Behaviour of Non-prototype Material (Cao-Fe2O3)" , Mechanical Engineering and Sciences Volume :15 / / 2020

Vijay Kumar Pandey, Sunil K.Jatav, U.Pandel, Rajendra Kumar Duchaniya, "Effect of soaking time on properties of non-prototype material (CaO-Fe2O3; 21:79 by wt. %)" , Materials Today Volume :26 / 871-877 / 2020

M. G. Kulthe, R. K. Goyal and S. P. Butee, "Electrical, mechanical, and electromagnetic interference shielding properties of poly(ether-ketone)-MWCNT nanocomposites" , Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics Volume :31 / 18085-95 / 2020 ISBN: ISSN 0957-4522

Premlata, Deepika Singh, Upender Pandel, Rajendra Kumar Duchaniya, "Graphene Oxide Reinforced High Entropy Alloy (CuNiFeCrMo-GO) Nanocomposite Coating Deposited by Electroless Coating Method on Mild Steel" , Materials Today: Proceedings Volume :28 / 2411-2417 / 2020

R Verma, M J Rathod and R K Goyal, "High electromagnetic interference shielding of poly(ether-sulfone)/ multi-walled carbon nanotube nanocomposites fabricated by an eco-friendly route" , Nanotechnology Volume :31 / 385702 / 2020

C.R. Anoop, R.K. Singh, Ravi Ranjan Kumar, M. Jayalakshmi, S.V.S. Narayana Murty, and K.Thomas Tharian, "Hot Deformation Studies and Optimisation of Hot Working Parameters in Custom 465® Martensitic Precipitation Hardenable Stainless Steel" , Materials Performance and Characterization Volume :9 / 170-187 / 2020

Vaibhav Bhavsar, Amol Gujar, Niketan Manthani, Nagaraj Patil, Vinayak Pawar, M. K. Mishra, Rajkumar Singh, "Influence of nitrocarburizing and post oxidation on surface characteristics, fatigue and corrosion fatigue behaviour of AISI 4330V steel" , Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals Volume :73 / 2471-2479 / 2020

RK Rai, JK Sahu, N Paulose, C Fernando, "Low Cycle Fatigue Behavior of a Directionally Solidified Nickel-Based Superalloy: Mechanistic and Microstructural Aspect " , Metallurgical and Materials Transactions Volume :2020 / 1-14 / 2020

Vijay Kumar Pandey , Sunil Kumar Jatav , U.Pandel , R.K.Duchaniya, "Microstructural Analysis of CaO-Fe2O3 Heat Treated at Different Temperature" , Journal of Physics: conference Series Volume :1455 / 1-5 / 2020 ISBN: 1742-6588

Ajeet K. Srivastav, Suresh Bandi, Abhishek Kumar, and B.S. Murty, "Microstructure evolution and densification during spark plasma sintering of nanocrystalline W-5wt.%Ta alloy" , Philosophical Magazine Letters Volume :100 / 442 / 2020

Ravindra S Shekhawat, Vijay N Nadakuduru, Kishore B Nagumothu, "Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of Friction Stir Spot Welded Al 6061 Alloy Lap Joint Welded in Air and Water" , Materials Today: Proceedings Volume :00 / 0,0 / 2020 ISBN: In Press

Sampada Viraj Dravid, Shubham Dinkar Bhosale, Suwarna Datar and R. K. Goyal, "Nickel Nanoparticle-Filled High-Performance Polymeric Nanocomposites for EMI Shielding Applications" , Journal of Electronic Materials Volume :49 / 1630-1637 / 2020 ISBN: ISSN 0361-5235

S.K. Dinda, Jyotirmaya Kar, G.G. Roy, W. Kockelmann, P. Srirangam, "Texture mapping in electron beam welded dissimilar copper-stainless steel joints by neutron diffraction" , Vacuum Volume :181 / 109668 / 2020

Lokesh Verma, M Bhanu chandar, Vijay N. Nadakuduru, Shanmugasundaram. T, T. Mahesh Kumar, Mrigesh Verma, "The possibility of synthesizing an Al-based bulk metallic glass using Powder Metallurgy Route" , Materials Today: Proceedings Volume :00 / 0,0 / 2020 ISBN: In Press

Sunil Kumar Jatav, Vijay Kumar Pandey, U Pandel, A K Nayak, Rajendra Kumar Duchaniya , "Thermo-physical Properties of CaO-Fe2O3 (26:74 by wt.%) Binary Mixture and Its Application in the Field of Nuclear Severe Accident Management" , International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research Volume :9 / 5773-5778 / 2020 ISBN: 2277-8616

Sunil Kumar Jatav, Vijay Kumar Pandey, U. Pandel, A. K. Nayak, Rajendra Kumar Duchaniya, "Thermo-physical properties of CaO-Fe2O3 binary mixture and its application in the field of nuclear reactor as simulant material" , International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology Volume :9 / 1706-1709 / 2020 ISBN: 2249-8958

Suresh Bandi, N. Naga Suresh, Toshali Bhoyar, and Ajeet K. Srivastav, "WO3.1/3H2O nanorods/nanoplates: Growth mechanism and CO2 uptake" , Materialia Volume :14 / 10093 / 2020


Ravindra Singh, Amrita Chakravarty, Shubhankar Mishra, Ramesh C. Prajapati, Jit Dutta, Inder K. Bhat, Upender Pandel, Sampad K. Biswas, and Kuttanellore Muraleedharan, "AlN–SWCNT Metacomposites Having Tunable Negative Permittivity in Radio and Microwave Frequencies" , ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces Volume :11 / 48212-4822 / 2019 ISBN: 51

F. Hijazi, Jyotirmaya Kar, A.H.V. Pavan, K. Singh, P. Kumar, V. Jayaram,, "Application of bending creep for examining effect of service conditions on creep response of steel" , Materials Science and Engineering: A Volume :766 / 138398 / 2019

Jyotirmaya Kar, S.K. Roy, G.G. Roy, "Beam oscillation, porosity formation and fatigue properties of electron beam welded Ti-6Al-4V alloy" , Journal of Materials Processing Technology Volume :266 / 165-172 / 2019

RK Rai, JK Sahu, A Pramanick, N Paulose, DC Fernando, SK Das , "Creep deformation micro-mechanisms of CM 247 DS LC Ni-base superalloy under relevant service condition" , Materials Characterization Volume :150 / 155-165 / 2019

RK Rai, JK Sahu, SK Das, N Paulose, DC Fernando, C Srivastava, "Cyclic plastic deformation behaviour of a directionally solidified nickel base superalloy at 850° C: Damage micromechanisms" , Materials Characterization Volume :141 / 120-128 / 2019

S. Kumar, A. Patnaik, A.K. Pradhan and V. Kumar, "Dry sliding wear behavior of Al0.4FeCrNiCox (x = 0, 0.25, 0.5, 1.0 mol) high-entropy alloys" , Metallography, Microstructure, and Analysis Volume :8 / 545-557 / 2019 ISBN: 2192-9270

S. D. Gaikwad, S. V. Dravid, B. U. Sonawane, M. Abraham, R. K. Goyal, "Dynamic Mechanical and Creep Properties of Poly (Ether Ketone)-Graphite Nanoplatelet (GNP) Nanocomposites" , Polymer-Plastics Technology and Materials Volume :58 / 1691-1701 / 2019 ISBN: ISSN: 2574-0881

S.K. Dinda, Jyotirmaya Kar, S. Jana, G.G. Roy, P. Srirangam, "Effect of beam oscillation on porosity and intermetallics of electron beam welded DP600-steel to Al 5754-alloy" , Journal of Materials Processing Technology Volume :265 / 191-200 / 2019

Girija Suresh, Pradyumna Kumar Parida, Suresh Bandi, S. Ningshen, "Effect of carbon content on the low temperature sensitization of 304L SS and its corrosion resistance in simulated ground water" , Materials Chemistry and Physics Volume :226 / 184 / 2019

S. Kumar, A. Patnaik, A.K. Pradhan and V. Kumar, "Effect of cobalt content on thermal, mechanical and microstructural properties of Al0.4FeCrNiCox (X = 0, 0.25, 0.5, 1.0 mol) high entropy alloys" , Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance Volume :28 / 4111-4119 / 2019 ISBN: 1544-1024

S. Kumar, P. Rani, A. Patnaik, A.K. Pradhan and V. Kumar, "Effect of cobalt content on wear behaviour of Al0.4FeCrNiCox (x = 0, 0.25, 0.5, 1.0 mol) high entropy alloys tested under demineralised water with and without 3.5% NaCl solution" , Materials Research Express Volume :6 / 086503 / 2019 ISBN: 2053-1591

A. Gupta, R. K. Goyal, "Electrical properties of polycarbonate/expanded graphite nanocomposites " , Journal of Applied Polymer Science Volume :136 / 47274 / 2019

Suresh Bandi, Syamsai Ravuri, D.R. Peshwe, and Ajeet K. Srivastav, "Graphene from discharged dry cell battery electrodes" , Journal of Hazardous Materials Volume :366 / 358 / 2019

Suresh Bandi, Vikram Hastak, Chokkakula L.P. Pavithra, Sanjay Kashyap, Dhananjay Kumar Singh, Suaib Luqman, D. R. Peshwe, and Ajeet K. Srivastav, "Graphene/chitosan-functionalized iron oxide nanoparticles for biomedical applications" , Journal of Materials Research Volume :34 / 3389 / 2019

A. M. Patki and R. K. Goyal, "High performance polyetherketone-hexagonal boron nitride nanocomposites for electronic applications" , Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics Volume :30 / 3899-3908 / 2019

K Borse, R Sharma, D Gupta, A Yella, "High-Efficiency Organic Solar Cells With Solution Processable Non-Fullerene Acceptor as an Interlayer" , IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics Volume :9 / 1266-1272 / 2019

R.K. Singh, J.K. Sahu, "Influence of Hold Type and Duration on Cyclic Deformation Behaviour of IN740H" , Material Science and Technology Volume :35 / 488 - 499 / 2019

RK Rai, JK Sahu, "Mean-stress and oxidation effects on fatigue behaviour of CM 247 DS LC alloy " , MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Volume :24 / 1743-2847 / 2019

Abhishek Tripathi, Stefan Zaefferer, "On the resolution of EBSD across atomic density and accelerating voltage with a particular focus on the light metal magnesium" , Ultramicroscopy Volume :207 / 112828 / 2019

A. M. Patki, A. A. Maharanwar, S. K. Harde, R. K. Goyal, "Polycarbonate–hexagonal boron nitride composites with better dielectric properties for electronic applications" , SN Applied Sciences Volume :1 / 775 / 2019 ISBN: ISSN: 2523-3971

S. Kumar, A. Patnaik, A.K. Pradhan and V. Kumar, "Room temperature wear study of Al0.4FeCrNiCox (x = 0, 0.25, 0.5, 1.0 mol) HEA under oil lubricating condition" , Journal of Materials Research Volume :34 / 841-853 / 2019 ISBN: 2044-5326

D. Panda, R. K. Sabat, S. Suwas, V. D. Hiwarkar, and S. K. Sahoo, "Texture weakening in pure magnesium during grain growth" , Philosophical Magazine Volume :99 / 1362 / 2019 ISBN: 1478-6435

R.K. Singh, J.K. Sahu, "Yield strength anomaly and dynamic strain ageing behaviour of recently developed advanced ultra-supercritical boiler grade nickel base superalloy IN740H" , Materials at High Temperatures Volume :36 / 220-231 / 2019


Vikram Hastak, Suresh Bandi, Sanjay Kashyap, Shilpi Singh, Suaib Luqman, Mangesh Lodhe, D.R. Peshwe, and Ajeet K. Srivastav, "Antioxidant efficacy of chitosan/graphene functionalized superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles" , Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine Volume :29 / 154 / 2018

R Sharma, V Gupta, H Lee, K Borse, R Datt, C Sharma, M Kumar, S Yoo, D Gupta, "Charge carrier dynamics in PffBT4T-2OD: PCBM organic solar cells" , Organic Electronics Volume :62 / 441-447 / 2018

U.S. Waware, A.M.S. Hamouda and A.K. Pradhan, "Effect of codeposition of mixed nanoparticles (V2O5 and ZrO2) on the structure and properties of Ni-B nanocomposite coating" , Journal of Alloys and Compounds Volume :752 / 253-259 / 2018 ISBN: 0925-8388

S. D. Gaikwad and R. K. Goyal, "Effect of manufacturing processes on percolation threshold and electrical conductivity of polymer/multi layers graphene nanocomposites" , Diamond and Related Materials Volume :85 / 13-17 / 2018

B. Bandi, S.K. Dinda, Jyotirmaya Kar, G.G. Roy, P. Srirangam, "Effect of weld parameters on porosity formation in electron beam welded Zircaloy-4 joints: X-ray tomography study" , Vacuum Volume :158 / 172–179 / 2018

Pratik Nimbalkar, Amit Korde and R. K. Goyal, "Electromagnetic Interference Shielding of Polycarbonate/GNP Nanocomposites in X-band" , Materials Chemistry and Physics Volume :206 / 251-258 / 2018

PSM Jena, RK Rai, JK Sahu, "Improvement of toughness of high chromium white cast iron: duplex ferritic-austenitic matrix" , Materials Science and Technology Volume :34 / 299-304 / 2018

Rahul Sen, Aditya Maan, Ujjwal Goyal, Aditi Birdhaniya, Upender Pandel, "In crucible reduction of mill scale by lean grade coal: Study of time, temperature and arrangement for optimum reduction conditions" , Materials Today: Proceedings Volume :5 / 7256-7263 / 2018

Suresh Bandi, Vikram Hastak, D.R. Peshwe, and Ajeet K. Srivastav, "In-situ TiO2/rGO nanocomposites for CO gas sensing" , Bulleting of Materials Science Volume :41 / 115 / 2018

Jyotirmaya Kar, S.K. Roy, G.G. Roy, "Influence of beam oscillation in electron beam welding of Ti–6Al–4V" , The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology Volume :94 / 4531-4541 / 2018

PSM Jena, JK Sahu, RK Rai, SK Das, RK Singh, "Influence of duplex ferritic-austenitic matrix on two body abrasive wear behaviour of high chromium white cast iron" , Wear Volume :406 / 140-148 / 2018

K Borse, R Sharma, D Gupta, A Yella, "Interface engineering through electron transport layer modification for high efficiency organic solar cells" , RSC Advances Volume :8 / 5984-5994 / 2018

P.S.M. Jena, R.K. Singh, L. Mahanta, S. Paswan, J.K. Sahu, "Low Cycle Fatigue Behaviour of Nickel Base Superalloy in 740H at 760°C: Influence of Fireside Corrosion Atmosphere" , International Journal of Fatigue Volume :116 / 623-633 / 2018

S. N. Alam, N. Sharma, D. Panda, A. Kumar, D. Sampenga, A.Sairam, V. Sarky, and MB Krupateja, "Mechanical milling of Al and synthesis of in-situ Al2O3 particles by mechanical alloying of Al-CuO system" , Journal of Alloys and Compounds Volume :753 / 799 / 2018 ISBN: 9258388

RK Rai, JK Sahu, "Mechanism of serrated flow in a cast nickel base superalloy" , Materials Letters Volume :210 / 298-300 / 2018

RK Rai, JK Sahu, PSM Jena, SK Das, N Paulose, DC Fernando, "Micromechanism of High-Temperature Tensile Deformation Behavior of a Directionally Solidified Nickel Base Superalloy" , Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance Volume :27 / 659-665 / 2018

M. K. Mishra, A. G. Rao, I. Balasundar, B. P. Kashyap, N. Prabhu, "On the microstructure evolution in friction stir processed 2507 super duplex stainless steel and its effect on tensile behaviour at ambient and elevated temperatures" , Materials Science and Engineering A Volume :719 / 82-92 / 2018

Ashok M raichur, Krishna Kumar, D. Neela Priya, B. Rajkumar, and B. Chakradhar, "Polymer Assisted Zerovalent Iron Nanoparticles for the Removal of Arsenic" , Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Sciences Volume :8(4) / 630-641 / 2018 ISBN: 2319-7625

RK Rai, JK Sahu, "Strength-ductility paradox in a directionally solidified nickel base superalloy" , Materials Letters Volume :220 / 90-93 / 2018

RK Rai, JK Sahu, "Substructural evolution in a directionally solidified nickel-base superalloy during relaxation fatigue tests at 850 C" , Materials Letters Volume :230 / 241-244 / 2018

Upender Pandel Krishna Kumar and M.K. Banerjee, "Synthesis & Characterization of Cobalt - Graphene Nano Composite By Mechanical Milling and Sonicated Exfoliation" , Nano Research & Applications Volume :4 / 35 / 2018 ISBN: 2471-9838

Krishna Kumar, "Synthesis & Characterization of Nickel Nanocrystal - Graphene Composite By Mechanical Milling and Sonicated Exfoliation" , Nano Research & Applications Volume :4 / 36 / 2018 ISBN: 2471-9838

S. Kumar, D. Kumar, O. maulik, A.K. Pradhan, V. Kumar and A. Patnaik, "Synthesis and air jet erosion study of AlxFe1.5CrMnNi0.5 (x=0.3, 0.5) high entropy alloys" , Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A Volume :49 / 5607-5618 / 2018 ISBN: 1073-5623

U.S. Waware, A.M.S. Hamouda, B. Bajaj, T. Borkar and A.K. Pradhan , "Synthesis and characterization of electrodeposited Ni-B-Tl2O3 composite coatings" , Journal of Alloys and Compounds Volume :769 / 353-359 / 2018 ISBN: 0925-8388

Jyotirmaya Kar, S.K. Dinda, S.K. Roy, G.G. Roy, P. Srirangam, "X-ray tomography study on porosity in electron beam welded dissimilar copper–304SS joints" , Vacuum Volume :149 / 200-206 / 2018


M. K. Mishra, I. Balasundar, A. G. Rao, B. P. Kashyap, N. Prabhu, " On the high temperature deformation behaviour of 2507 super duplex stainless steel" , Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance Volume :26 / 802-812 / 2017

Robin Gupta, Ashok Sharma, Upender Pandel, Lorenz Ratke, "COARSENING KINETICS IN Al ALLOY CAST THROUGH RAPID SLURRY FORMATION (RSF) PROCESS" , Acta Metallurgical Slovaca Volume :23 / / 2017

Jyotirmaya Kar, S.K. Roy, G.G. Roy, "Effect of beam oscillation on microstructure and mechanical properties of AISI-316L electron beam welds" , Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A Volume :48 / 1759–177 / 2017

Robin Gupta, Ashok Sharma, Upender Pandel, Lorenz Ratke, "Effect of heat treatment on microstructures and mechanical properties of A356 alloy cast through rapid slurry formation (RSF) process" , International Journal of Cast Metals Research Volume :30 / / 2017

Akshay Kumar , U. Pandel and M.K. Banerjee , "Effect of high energy ball milling on the structure of iron multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) composite" , Advances in Material Research Volume :6 / / 2017

Anurag Hamilton, Ashok Sharma, Upender Pandel, "Effect of Impingement Angle on Erosion Resistance of HVOF sprayed WC-10Co-4Cr coating on CA6NM steel" , Key Engineering Materials Volume :751 / / 2017

Akshay kumar, U.Pandel and M.K. Banerjee, "Effect of Mechanical properties of Fe/MWCNT Nanocomposites after vary the weight present of MWCNTs prepared by high energy ball milling" , International journal of Engineering Technology, Management and Applied Sciences Volume :5 / / 2017

Vatsala Chaturvedi, Ashok Sharma and Upender Pandel, "Effect of mechanical vibrations on grain refinement of AZ91 Mg alloy" , Materials Research Express Volume :4 / / 2017

M.K. Mishra, G. Gunasekaran, A.G. Rao, B.P. Kashyap, N. Prabhu, "Effect of multipass friction stir processing on mechanical and corrosion properties of 2507 super duplex stainless steel" , Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance Volume :26 / 849-860 / 2017

Robin Gupta, Ashok Sharma, UpenderPandel, Lorenz Ratke, "Effect of stirring speed on microstructure of A356 alloy cast through rheometal process" , International Journal of Material Research Volume :108 / / 2017

P. Sain, R.K. Goyal, A.K. Bhargava and Y.V. S. S. Prasad, "Electrical Properties of Single-Walled/Multi-Walled Carbon-Nanotubes Filled Polycarbonate Nanocomposites" , Journal of Electronic Materials Volume :46 / 458-466 / 2017

Brij Mohan Mundotiya, Dragan Dinulovic, Lutz Rissing, Marc C. Wurz, "Fabrication and characterization of a Ni-Fe-W core microtransformer for high-frequency power applications" , Sensors and Actuators A: Physical Volume :267 / 42-47 / 2017 ISBN: 0924-4247

R Sharma, H Lee, K Borse, V Gupta, AG Joshi, S Yoo, D Gupta, "Ga-doped ZnO as an electron transport layer for PffBT4T-2OD: PC70BM organic solar cells" , Organic Electronics Volume :43 / 207-213 / 2017

R. K. Sabat, D. Panda, and S. K. Sahoo, "Growth mechanism of extension twin variants during annealing of pure magnesium: An ex situ electron backscattered diffraction investigation" , Materials Characterization Volume :126 / 10 / 2017 ISBN: 1044-5803

RK Rai, JK Sahu, PSM Jena, SK Das, N Paulose, CD Fernando, "High temperature tensile deformation of a directionally solidified nickel base superalloy: Role of micro constituents" , Materials Science and Engineering: A Volume :705 / 189-195 / 2017

Abhishek Tripathi, S.V.S. Narayana Murty, P. Ramesh Narayanan, "Microstructure and texture evolution in AZ31 magnesium alloy during caliber rolling at different temperatures" , Journal of Magnesium and Alloys Volume :5 / 340-347 / 2017

Kaustubh Kambale, Rajendra Goyal, Sandeep Butee, Rohan Parsewar, Hanmant Gawade and Sameer Shroff, "Novel Polyacrylonitrile/Potassium Sodium Niobate Composites with Superior Dielectric and Thermal Properties" , Composites Communications Volume :5 / 8-12 / 2017

R. K. Sabat, S. K. Sahoo, D. Panda, U. K. Mohanty, and S. Suwas, "Orientation dependent recrystallization mechanism during static annealing of pure magnesium" , Materials Characterization Volume :132 / 388 / 2017 ISBN: 1044-5803

Akshaykumar,U.Pandel and M.K. Banerjee, "Production of Iron Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes (CNT) Composite by Mechanical Alloying" , International Journal of Engineering Technology Science and Research Volume :4 / / 2017

PSM Jena, RK Rai, PK Roy, JK Sahu , "Role of internal oxidation and iron penta carbonyl formation on creep life of 9Cr-1Mo steel" , Materials at High Temperatures Volume :34 / 239-249 / 2017

K Borse, R Sharma, D Gupta, A Yella, "Simultaneous enhancement of light absorption and improved charge collection in PTB7-Th: PC70BM organic solar cells" , MRS Advancs Volume :2 / 835-840 / 2017

Anurag Hamilton, Ashok Sharma, UpenderPandel, "SOLID PARTICLE EROSION RESISTANCE OF HVAF-SPRAYED WC-10Co-4Cr COATING ON CA6NM STEEL" , Surface Review and Letters Volume :24 / 01-04 / 2017 ISBN: 10.1142

A. A. Thanki and R. K. Goyal, "Study on Effect of Cubic- and Tetragonal Phased BaTiO3 on the Electrical and Thermal Properties of Polymeric Nanocomposites" , Materials Chemistry and Physics Volume :183 / 447-456 / 2017

S.D. Gaikwad and R.K. Goyal, "Study on the effect of ball milling on dielectric and thermal behaviour of high performance polymer composites" , Nano Hybrids and Composites Volume :17 / 72-78 / 2017

D. Panda, P Bhuyan, L Kumar, and S. N. Alam, "Synthesis of Fe3Al Intermetallic Compound by Mechanical Alloying" , Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering Volume :42 / 4427 / 2017 ISBN: 2191-4281

Robin Gupta, Ashok Sharma, Upender Pandel and Lorenz Ratke, "Wear analysis of A356 alloy cast through rheometal process" , Materials Research Express Volume :4 / / 2017


M. J. Pawar, A. Patnaik, S.K. Biswas, U.Pandel, I.K. Bhat, S. Chatterjee, A.K. Mukhopadhyay, R. Banerjee, B.P. Babu, "Comparison of ballistic performances of Al2O3 and AlN ceramics" , International Journal of Impact Engineering Volume :98 / / 2016

S. Pendse, R. K. Goyal, "Disappearance of Curie Temperature of BaTiO3 Nanopowder Synthesised by High Energy Ball Mill" , Journal of Materials Science and Surface Engineering Volume :4 / 383-385 / 2016

Jyotirmaya Kar, S.K. Roy, G.G. Roy, "Effect of beam oscillation on electron beam welding of copper with AISI-304 stainless steel" , Journal of Materials Processing Technology Volume :233 / 174-185 / 2016

M.K. Mishra, A.G. Rao, R. Sarkar, B.P. Kashyap, N. Prabhu, "Effect of preaging deformation on aging characteristics of 2507 super duplex stainless steel" , Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance Volume :25 / 374-381 / 2016

C. Kale, P. Dhoka and R. K. Goyal , "Effect of Processing Routes on Electrical Properties of Polymer/Iron Composites " , Journal of Electronic Materials Volume :45 / 4148-4153 / 2016

Brij Mohan Mundotiya, Lutz Rissing, Marc Christopher Wurz, "Effect of substrate temperature on magnetic properties of electroplated 82Ni-15Fe-3W alloy films" , IEEE Transactions on Magnetics Volume :52 / 2003305 / 2016 ISBN: 0018-9464

K Borse, R Sharma, HP Sagar, PA Reddy, D Gupta, A Yella, "Efficient light trapping and interface engineering for performance enhancement in PTB7-Th: PC70BM organic solar cells" , Organic Electronics Volume :41 / 280-286 / 2016

A Gupta, R. K. Goyal, "Electrical properties of polycarbonate/ nickel composites prepared by a simple processing technique" , Journal of Materials Science and Surface Engineering Volume :4 / 351-354 / 2016

A. Tripathi, A. Tewari, A.K. Kanjarla, N. Srinivasan, G.M. Reddy, S.M. Zhu, J.F. Nie, R.D. Doherty and I. Samajdar, "Microstructural Evolution During Multi-Pass Friction Stir Processing of a Magnesium Alloy" , Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A Volume :47 / 2201-2216 / 2016

P.K. Sain, R. K. Goyal, Y.V.S.S. Prasad and A. K. Bhargava, "Polycarbonate based three-phase nanocomposite dielectrics" , Mater. Res. Express Volume :3 / 085016 / 2016 ISBN: 2053-1591/3/8/085

R.K. Singh, J.K. Sahu, S. Tarafder, "Strain Rate Effect on Cyclic Deformation Behaviour of Advanced Ultrasupercritical Boiler Grade Wrought Ni-Based Superalloy IN740H at 760°C" , Materials Science & Engineering A Volume :Volume 658 / 272-279 / 2016

A. Tripathi, I. Samajdar, J.F. Nie and A. Tewari, "Study of grain structure evolution during annealing of a twin-roll-cast Mg alloy" , Materials Characterization Volume :114 / 157-165 / 2016

S. D. Gaikwad, P. Dhoka, R. K. Goyal, "Study on high temperature poly(aryletherketon) (PAEK)/ iron composites prepared by powder metallurgy (P/M) route" , Transactions of PMAI Volume :42(2) / 51-57 / 2016

R. K. Goyal and R. Sulakhe, "Study on PVDF/Ni composites with low percolation" , Advanced Materials Letter Volume :6 / 309-317 / 2016

R. K. Goyal, P. Dhoka, A. Bora, P. Gaikwad, "Synthesis of iron nanopowder and its nanocomposites with high electrical conductivity and thermal stability" , Journal of Materials Science and Surface Engineering Volume :4(1) / 339-341 / 2016

Vandana Kaler, R. K. Duchaniya, and U. Pandel, "Synthesis of nano-titanium dioxide by sol-gel route" , AIP Conference Proceedings Volume :020127 / 1724 / 2016 ISBN: 978-0-7354-1371

R. K. Goyal, S.P. Deshpande, S.S. Singare, "Synthesis of ZrO2 nanopowder using high energy ball mill and characterization" , Journal of Materials Science and Surface Engineering Volume :4 / 360-363 / 2016

M. Joshi, A. Goyal, S. Patil and R. K. Goyal, "Tribological and Thermal Properties of Hexagonal Boron Nitride Filled High Performance Polymer Nanocomposites" , Journal of Applied Polymer Science Volume :133 / 44409 / 2016

Shrikant , A. K. Nayak, U. Pandel , R. K. Duchaniya, "Vibrational, Structural and Thermal studies of Debris of 30% CaO-70% B2O3" , Journal of Materials Science & Surface Engineering Volume :4 / / 2016

Shrikant, A. K. Nayak, U. Pandel, R. K. Duchaniya, "Vibrational, Structural and Thermal studies of Debris of 30%CaO-70%B2O3" , Journal of Materials Science & Surface Technology Volume :4 / 444-447 / 2016 ISBN: 2016

S . Sharma, S. Sangal and K. Mondal, "Wear Behavior of bainitic rail and wheel steels" , Mater. Sci. and Tech Volume :32 / 266-274 / 2016


R.K.Singh, D. Mandal, and K.L.Sahoo, "Comparison of Zn Loss in Traditional Brass Melting Furnace used by Brassware Artisans and Energy Efficient Brass Melting Furnace" , Indian Foundry Journal Volume :61 / 33-39 / 2015

M.Z. Bian, A. Tripathi, H. Yu, N.D. Nam and L.M. Yan, "Effect of aluminum content on the texture and mechanical behavior of Mg 1wt % Mn wrought magnesium alloys" , Materials Science and Engineering A Volume :639 / 320-326 / 2015

Nikitha Gade, Gaurav Verma, Rahul Sen, Upender Pandel, "Effect of Calcium Carbonate on Reduction Behavior on Mill Scale" , Procedia Earth and Planetary Science Volume :11 / / 2015

Jyotirmaya Kar, S. Mahanty, S.K. Roy, G.G. Roy, "Estimation of average spot diameter and bead penetration using process model during electron beam welding of AISI 304 stainless steel" , Transactions of The Indian Institute of Metals Volume :68 / 935-941 / 2015

P. K. Sain, R. K. Goyal, Y. V. S. S. Prasad, Jyoti, K. B. Sharma and A. K. Bhargava, "Few-Layer-Graphene/ Polycarbonate Nanocomposites as Dielectric and Conducting Material" , Journal of Applied Polymer Science Volume :132 / 42443 / 2015

A. Tripathi, A. Tewari, N. Srinivasan, G.M. Reddy, S.M. Zhu, J.F. Nie, R.D. Doherty and I. Samajdar, "Microstructural origin of friction stir processed zone in a magnesium alloy" , Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A Volume :46 / 3333-3336 / 2015

Rahul Sen, Satender Dehiya, Upender Pandel, M.K.Banerjee, "Utilization of Low Grade Coal for Direct Reduction of Mill Scale to Obtain Sponge Iron: Effect of Reduction Size time and Particle Size" , Procedia Earth and Planetary Science Volume :11 / / 2015

S . Sharma, S. Sangal and K. Mondal, "Wear behavior of newly developed bainitic wheel steels" , Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance Volume :24 / 999-1010 / 2015


S . Sharma, S. Sangal and K. Mondal, ", Influence of subsurface structure on the linear reciprocating sliding wear behavior of steels with different microstructures" , Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A Volume :45 / 6088-6102 / 2014

A.K. Pradhan and S. Das, "Dry sliding wear and friction behavior of Cu-SiC nanocomposite coating prepared by pulse reverse electrodeposition" , Tribology Transactions Volume :57 / 46-56 / 2014

MP Singh, RK Rai, C Srivastava , "Electrodeposition of Ag-Ni-Fe Nanowires" , ECS Electrochemistry Letters Volume :3 / 27-29 / 2014

Ashok Sharma, Upender Pandel, Vatsala Chaturvedi, "Energy efficiency in casting of magnesium alloys" , Indian Foundry Journal Volume :06 / 53- 56 / 2014

M. A. Kori, M. G. Kulthe, R. K. Goyal, "Influence of Cu Micro Particles on Mechanical Properties of Injection Molded Polypropylene/Cu Composites" , International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology Volume :3 / 14034-1404 / 2014

RK Rai, C Srivastava , "Nonequilibrium Microstructures for Ag–Ni Nanowires" , Microscopy and Microanalysis 21 (2), 491-497 Volume :21 / 491-497 / 2014

A.K. Pradhan and S. Das, "Pulse-reverse electrodeposition of Cu-SiC nanocomposite coating: Effect of concentration of SiC in the electrolyte" , Journal of alloys and compounds Volume :590 / 294-302 / 2014

A.K. Pradhan and S. Das, "Pulse-reverse electrodeposition of Cu-SiC nanocomposite coating: Effects of surfactants and deposition parameters" , Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A Volume :45 / 5708-5720 / 2014

S . Sharma, S. Sangal and K. Mondal, "Reciprocating sliding wear behavior of newly developed bainitic steels" , Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A Volume :45 / 5451-5468 / 2014

RK Rai, MP Singh, C Srivastava, "Synthesis and characterization of Ag–Co–Ni nanowires" , Journal of microscopy Volume :255 / 169-173 / 2014

P.K. Sain, R.K. Goyal, A.K. Bhargava and Y.V.S.S. Prasad, "Thermal and Dielectric Behaviour of Flexible Polycarbonate/lead Zirconate Titanate Composite System." , Journal of Applied Polymer Science Volume :131 / 39913-3399 / 2014

Materials Science and Engineering, "Thermal and Dielectric Properties of High Performance Polymer/ZnO Nanocomposites" , Materials Science and Engineering Volume :64 / 012016 / 2014


R.K. Goyal, "Cost-efficient high performance polyetheretherketone/expanded graphite nanocomposites with high conductivity for EMI shielding application" , Materials Chemistry and Physics Volume :142 / 195-198 / 2013

R. K. Goyal, S. S. Katkade, D. M. Mule, "Dielectric, mechanical and thermal properties of polymer/BaTiO3 composites for embedded capacitor" , Composites Part B: Engineering Volume :44 / 128-132 / 2013

Chandan Srivastava, Brij Mohan Mundotiya, "Electron microscopy of microstructural transformation in electrodeposited Ni-rich, Ag-Ni film" , Thin Solid Films Volume :539 / 102-107 / 2013 ISBN: 0040-6090

R. K. Goyal, A. N. Tiwari, Y. S. Negi, "High Performance polymer/AlN composites for electronic substrate application" , Composites Part B: Engineering Volume :47 / 70-74 / 2013

S . Sharma, S. Sangal and K. Mondal, "On the optical microscopic method for determination of ball-on-flat surface linearly reciprocating sliding wear volume" , Wear Volume :300 / 82-89 / 2013

R.K. Goyal, K.A. Rokade, A.S. Kapadia, B. S. Selukar, B. Garnaik, "PEEK/SiO2 Composites with High Thermal Stability for Electronic Applications" , Electronic Materials Letter Volume :9 / 95-100 / 2013

Chandan Srivastava, Brij Mohan Mundotiya, "Size and solid solubility in electrodeposited Ag-Ni nanoparticles" , Materials Science Forum Volume :736 / 21-26 / 2013 ISBN: 0255-5476

R. K. Goyal and Aditi Kapadia, "Study on Phenyltrimethoxysilane Treated Nano-Silica Filled High Performance Poly(etheretherketone) Nanocomposites" , Composites Part B: Engineering Volume :50 / 135-143 / 2013

R. K. Goyal, M. Yadav, "Study on wear and friction behavior of graphite flake filled PTFE composites" , Journal of Applied Polymer Science Volume :127 / 3186-3191 / 2013

R. K. Goyal, M. Yadav, "The wear and friction behavior of Novel PTFE/expanded graphite nanocomposites for Tribology Application" , Journal of Tribology Volume :136 / 21601 / 2013

P.K. Sain, R.K. Goyal, A.K.Bhargava, Y.V.S.S. Prasad, "Thermal and Electronic Behaviour of Polycarbonate/Copper nanocomposites" , Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics Volume :46 / 455501 / 2013

C Srivastava, RK Rai , "Transmission electron microscopy study of Ni-rich, Ag–Ni nanowires" , Chemical Physics Letters Volume :575 / 91-96 / 2013


Brij Mohan Mundotiya, Chandan Srivastava, "Ag-Ni nanoparticles: synthesis and phase stability" , Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters Volume :15 / 41-44 / 2012 ISBN: 1099-0062

A. Misra, S . Sharma, S. Sangal, A. Upadhyaya, K. Mondal, "Critical isothermal temperature and optimum mechanical behavior of high Si containing bainitic steels" , Materials Science and Engineering A Volume :558 / 725-729 / 2012

R. K. Goyal, A. B. Kulkarni, "Electrical properties of novel three-phase polymer nanocomposites with high dielectric constant" , J Phys D: Applied Physics Volume :45 / 465302 / 2012

R.K. Goyal, A.N. Tiwari, Y.S. Negi,, "High performance PEEK/AlN micro- and nanocomposites for tribological application" , Journal of Applied Polymer Science Volume :124 / 4612-4619 / 2012

Chandan Srivastava, Brij Mohan Mundotiya, "Morphology dependence of Ag-Ni solid solubility" , Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters Volume :15 / 10 - 15 / 2012 ISBN: 1099-0062

Mathur, Y. B., Poonia, M. P., Pandel, U., Singh, R., "Performance and Emission Characteristics of Diesel Engine Using Low Concentration Thumba Oil Diesel Blends" , International Journal of Wind and Renewable Energy Volume :1 / 108-113 / 2012

A. Mierczynska, A. Michelmore, A. Tripathi, R.V. Goreham, R. Sedeva and K. Vasilev, "pH-tunable gradients of wettability and surface potential" , Soft Matter Volume :8 / 8399-8404 / 2012

V. N. Nadakuduru, D. L. Zhang, P. Cao, B. Gabbitas,, Y. L. Chiu, "Tensile Properties and Fracture Behaviour of an Ultrafine Grained Ti-47Al-2Cr (at %) Alloy at Room and Elevated Temperatures " , Journal of Materials Science Volume :47 / 1223 / 2012

R. K. Goyal, M. Kulthe, "The effect of ball milling timing on electrical properties of PVC/Cu composites" , Advanced Materials Letters Volume :3 / 246-249 / 2012


Sharma Ashok ,Sharma Nikhil, Pandel U, "Aluminium Scrap Recycling: Environmentally Benign Process" , Alucast Journal Volume :74 / 24-29 / 2011

Poonia M.P, Bhardwaj A, Jethoo A.S and Pandel U, "Design and Development of Energy Efficient Multi-Utility Desert Cooler" , Universal Journal of Environment Research and Technology Volume :1 / 39-44 / 2011

S . Sharma, S. Sangal and K. Mondal, "Development of new high strength carbide free bainitic steels" , Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A Volume :42 / 3921-3933 / 2011

M.P. Poonia, A. Bhardwaj, A.S. Jethoo, and U. Pandel, "Experimental Investigation on Engine Performance ND Exhaust Emission in an LPG Diesel Dual Fuel Engine" , International Journal of Environment Science and Development Volume :02 / 418-422 / 2011

Awadesh Kumar, M.P. Poonia, Upender Pandel and Jethoo A.S., "FMEA: Meyhodology, Design and Implementation in a Foundry" , IJEST Volume :3 / 5288-5297 / 2011

R.K. Goyal, A.N. Tiwari, Y.S. Negi,, "High performance PEEK/AlN micro- and nanocomposites for tribological application" , Journal of Applied Polymer Science Volume :124 / 4612-4619 / 2011

Joshi, A.N. Tiwari, R.K. Goyal,, "Improvement in thermal, mechanical and water resistance properties of epoxy/glass particulate composites" , Int J Plast Technol Volume :14 / 167-178 / 2011

V N Nadakuduru, D L Zhang, S Raynova, P Cao, B Gabbitas , "Mechanical Behaviour of Titanium, Ti-6Al-4V (wt %) Alloy and Ti-47Al-2Cr (at %) Alloy Produced using Powder Compact Forging " , Advanced Material Research Volume :275 / 186 / 2011

R. K. Goyal, K.R. Kambale, S. S. Nene, S. Sudhir, U. P. Mulik, "Mechanical, thermal and electrical properties of high performance polymer/copper composites" , Materials Chemistry and Physics Volume :128 / 114-120 / 2011

R. K. Goyal, P. Jadhav, A.N. Tiwari, "Preparation and properties of new polyphenylene sulphide/AlN composites for electronics applications packaging" , Journal of Electronic Materials Volume :40 / 1377-1383 / 2011

R.K. Goyal, A.N. Tiwari, Y.S. Negi,, "Role of interface on dynamic modulus of high performance PEEK/ceramic composites" , Journal of Applied Polymer Science. Volume :121 / 436-444 / 2011

M. S. Sureshkumar, R. K. Goyal, YS Negi, A. Pratheepkumar, K. Raghunatha Reddy, R. P. Singh, J. W. Dadge and R. C. Aiyer, "Studies on the feasibility of recycled polystyrene doped with NLO activemeta-Nitroaniline for optoelectronics applications" , Polymers Advanced Technologies Volume :22 / 1865-1871 / 2011

V. Balaji, A.N. Tiwari, R.K. Goyal,, "Study on high performance PEEK/Si3N4 nanocomposites: New electronic substrate materials" , Polymer Engineering and Science Volume :51 / 509-517 / 2011

Stiliana Raynova, Deliang Zhang, Dorothee Polo, Laurent Gonthier, William Egea and Vijay Nadakuduru , "Tensile Properties and Fracture Behaviour of Induction Sintered Ti and Ti-6Al-4V(wt%) Powder Compacts " , Advanced Material Research Volume :275 / 196 / 2011

V. N. Nadakuduru, D. L. Zhang, P. Cao, Y. L. Chiu, B. Gabbitas, "The Mechanical Behaviour of an Ultrafine Grained Ti-47Al-2Cr (at%) Alloy in Tension and Compression and at Different Temperatures" , Materials Science and Engineering A Volume :528 / 4592 / 2011


R. K. Goyal, S. D. Samant, A. K. Thakar, A. Kadam, "Electrical properties of polymer/ expanded graphite nanocomposites with low percolation" , Journal of Physics D:Applied Physics Volume :43 / 365404 / 2010

V. Balaji, A.N. Tiwari, R.K. Goyal, "Fabrication and properties of high performance PEEK/Si3N4 nanocomposites" , Journal of Applied Polymer Science Volume :119 / 311-318 / 2010

R. K. Goyal, J N Sahu, "Fabrication of advanced poly(etheretherketone)/clay nanocomposites and their properties" , Advanced Materials Letter Volume :1 / 205-209 / 2010

R. K. Goyal, A. Kadam, "Polyphenylene sulphide/graphite composites for EMI shielding applications" , Advanced Materials Letter Volume :1 / 143-147 / 2010

R.K. Goyal, S.R. Damkale, U.P. Mulik, Y.S. Negi, J. W. Dadge, R.C. Aiyer, "SHG relaxation behaviour in m-nitroaniline doped PMMA guest-host system" , Advanced Materials Letter Volume :1 / 264-268 / 2010


Deliang Zhang, Stiliana Raynova, Vijay Nadakuduru, Peng Cao, Brian Gabbitas, Barry Robinson, "Consolidation of Titanium and Ti-6Al-4V Alloy Powders by Powder Compact Forging " , Materials Science Forum Volume :618 / 513 / 2009

A.K. Pradhan, S.P. Gupta and K. Mondal , "Effect of Zn concentration on diffusion induced grain boundary migration in Cu – Zn system " , Transactions of The Indian Institute of Metals Volume :62 / 233-239 / 2009

Vijay. N. Nadakuduru, Deliang Zhang, Peng Cao and Brian Gabbitas, "Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of Ultrafine grained Ti-47Al-2Cr (at %) alloy produced using Powder Compact Forging" , International Journal of Modern Physics B Volume :23 / 1739 / 2009

Deliang Zhang, Aamir Mukhtar, Vijay N. Nadakuduru, Stiliana Raynova, "The possibility of Synthesizing bulk nanostructured or ultrafine structured metallic materials by consolidation of powders using high strain powder compact forging" , International Journal of Materials Research (formerly Z. Metallkd) Volume :100 / 1720 / 2009

R.K. Goyal, "Thermal, mechanical and dielectric properties of high performance PEEK/AlN nanocomposites" , Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Volume :9 / 6902-6909 / 2009

Vijay Nadakuduru, DeliangZhang, PengCao ,BrianGabbitas , "Thermomechanical Consolidation of Ti/Al/Cr Composite (Composition: Ti-47Al-2Cr (at %)) Powders. " , Materials Science Forum Volume :618 / 501 / 2009


R.K. Goyal, A.N. Tiwari, Y.S. Negi, "High performance nanocomposites for tribological applications: preparation and characterization" , Materials Science and Engineering A Volume :486 / 602-610 / 2008

R.K. Goyal, A.N. Tiwari, Y.S. Negi, "Microhardness of PEEK/ ceramic micro- and nanocomposites: Correlation with Halpin-Tsai model" , Materials Science and Engineering A Volume :491 / 230-236 / 2008

M.S. Sureshkumar, R.K. Goyal, Y.S. Negi, "Potential applications of Polystyrene in optoelectronics" , Progress in Rubber, Plastics and Recycling Technology Volume :24 / 53-72 / 2008

R.K. Goyal, A.N. Tiwari, U.P. Mulik, Y.S. Negi, "Study on microhardness, dynamic mechanical and tribological properties of PEEK/Al2O3 composites" , Journal of Applied Polymer Science Volume :110 / 3379-3387 / 2008

R.K. Goyal, A.N. Tiwari, U.P. Mulik, Y.S. Negi, "Thermal expansion behavior of high performance PEEK matrix composites" , Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics Volume :41 / 85403 / 2008

R.K. Goyal, P.A. Jagdale, U.P. Mulik,, "Thermal, mechanical, and dielectric properties of Polystyrene/ expanded graphite nanocomposites," , Journal of Applied Polymer Science Volume :111 / 2071- 2077 / 2008


R.K. Goyal, A.N. Tiwari, U.P. Mulik, Y.S. Negi, "Dynamic mechanical properties of Al2O3/ Poly(ether ether ketone) composites" , Journal of Applied Polymer Science Volume :104 / 568-575 / 2007

R.K. Goyal, A.N. Tiwari, U.P. Mulik, Y.S. Negi, "Effect of aluminum nitride on thermo mechanical properties of high performance PEEK" , Composites Part A: Applied Science & Manufacturing Volume :38 / 516-524 / 2007

R.K. Goyal, A.N. Tiwari, U.P. Mulik, Y.S. Negi, "Novel high performance Al2O3/Poly(ether-ether-ketone) nanocomposites for electronics applications" , Composites Science and Technology Volume :67 / 1802-1812 / 2007

Nadakuduru. V Cao. P Zhang. D Gabbitas. B, "Ultrafine grained Ti-47Al-2Cr (at %) alloy prepared by high energy mechanical milling and hot Isostatic pressing" , Advanced Materials Research Volume :29 / 139 / 2007


R.K. Goyal, A.N. Tiwari, U.P. Mulik, Y.S. Negi, "Anisotropic linear thermal expansivity of Poly(ether-ether-ketone)" , European Polymer Journal Volume :42 / 2888-2896 / 2006

R.K. Goyal, Y.S. Negi, A.N. Tiwari, "High performance polymer composites on PEEK reinforced with Aluminum oxide" , Journal of Applied Polymer Science Volume :100 / 4623-4631 / 2006


R.K. Goyal, A.N. Tiwari, Y.S. Negi, "Preparation of high performance composites based on Aluminum nitride/ Poly(ether-ether-ketone) and their properties" , European Polymer Journal Volume :41 / 2034-2044 / 2005

Ashok Sharma , D.B. Goel ,U.Pandel, "Properties and performance of continuous casting mould fluxes" , Indian Foundry Journal Volume :1 / 81-85 / 2005

Ashok Sharma, D.B. Goel, U.Pandel, "Study on the effect of vibrations during solidification on cast Al-Si alloys" , Indian Foundry Journal Volume :3 / 42-45 / 2005


R.K. Goyal, S.R. Damkale, P.V. Adhyapak, M. Islam, R.C. Aiyer, Y.S. Negi, "Preparation and investigation of second harmonic generation (SHG) properties of m-Nitroaniline doped PMMA guest-host system for optoelectronic device applications" , International Journal of Plastics Technology Volume :8 / 249-255 / 2004

P.V. Adhyapak S.R. Damkale, R.K. Goyal, Y. S. Negi, M. Islam, R.C. Aiyer, "Preparation of novel optical grade m-Nitroaniline and PMMA coated single crystals and their optical properties," , Materials Letters Volume :58 / 3929-3932 / 2004


Y.S. Negi, R.K. Goyal, "Development of thermotropic liquid crystalline polymers and their applications (Review Article)." , International Journal of Plastics Technology Volume :7 / 99-118 / 2003


Y.S. Negi, R.K. Goyal, "Recent development of acrylic polymer coating for corrosion control and electronics applications" , Molecular Materials Volume :14 / 103-120 / 2001

   Conference Publications (117)


Ritesh Gupta, Gaurav Mittal, Krishna Kumar Upender Pandel, "Analyzing the Mechanical Properties of Shape Memory Nanocomposites Enhanced by Introducing GnP" , iConFIRM 2023 : International Conference on Fundamental and Industrial Research in Materials by :Springer at IIT Ropar / / 2024 ISBN: 10.1007/978-981-9

V. S. Darekar, R. D. Gadve and R. K. Goyal, "Rice Husk Ash Waste as Effective Reinforcement in the Polymer Matrix Composites Nanocomposites for Electronic Applications" , APA EPNOE GFL International Conference on Polymers for Advanced Technology by :APA at Jaipur / - / 2024 ISBN: .

S. Mahore, A. Tripathi, S. Sharma, "Property Enhancement and Microstructural Evolution During Thermo-Mechanical Processing of Titanium Alloys: A Review" , Interactions by :Springer at . / 245, 308 / 2024


Poorvi Manker, Neha Hassani, Krishna Kumar, Upender Pandel, "Influence of Pellet Basicity on Properties of Iron Ore Pellets Using Lime as Flux and Bentonite as Binder" , International Conference on Digitization and Advancements in Materials and Metallurgical Industries by :IE Rajasthan, Tandon School of Engineering NYU ABU Dhabi, Department of MME, Malaviya National Insti at IEI Jaipur / / 2023

S Anand Kumar, R. Damodran, Randhir Kumar Singh, S. Cyril Joseph Daniel, Adarsh K. Hegde, BK Nagesha, "Influence of Heat Treatment on Welding Process of Electron Beam Welded Joint of Ti6Al4V Parts Manufactured via Laser Powder Bed Fusion" , Structural Integrity and Reliability of Advanced Materials Obtained Through Additive Manufacturing, SIRAMM23 by :Structural Integrity Procedia at Timisoara, Romania & Online / 84-86 / 2023

Randhir Kumar Singh, S. Paswan, "Study on Oxidation Behavior of IN740H at 760oC in Different Environments" , International Conference on Digitization and Advancements in Materials and Metallurgical Industries by :Conference Proceedings at The Institutional of Engineers, Jaipur / / 2023

Rishabh Jain, Monika Saraswat, Vinay Kumar, Helen Deogam, Randhir Kumar Singh, "Effect of Quenching Media and Influence of Corrosive Media on Stainless Steel AISI 304" , International Conference on Digitization and Advancements in Materials and Metallurgical Industries by :Conference Proceedings at The Institutional of Engineers and MNIT Jaipur / / 2023

R. K. Singh, "Quenching and Partitioning Heat Treatment of DP590 Steel" , International Conference on Metallurgy Technology and Materials by :Conference Proceedings at Hanoi, Vietnam / / 2023


Ritesh Gupta, Krishna Kumar and Abhishek Tiwari, "Numerical Analysis of Miniature Disk Bend Specimens Under Creep Condition" , 4th Structural Integrity Conference and Exhibition by :Springer Natures Proceedings Series Advances in Structural Integrity for Mechanical, Civil, and Aer at IIT Hyderabad / / 2022

Prashant Dhakar, Sandeep Kumar, Sunil Manani and Ajaya Kumar Pradhan, "Effect of Zn Content on Microstructure and Properties of Hypoeutectic and Near-Eutectic Al-Si Alloys" , International Conference on Materials Science and Engineering by :IOP at Online / / 2022

Sunil Manani, AK Pradhan, "Effects of Melt Thermal Treatment on Cast Al-Si Alloys: A Review" , International Conference on Advances in Materials, Mechanics, Mechatronics and Manufacturing (IC4M-2022) by :Elsevier at Online / / 2022

Sunil Manani, Sandeep Kumar, Patel Nikunj, Ajaya Kumar Pradhan, "Combined Effect of Melt Thermal Treatment and Sr Modifier on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Hypereutectic Al-14Si Alloy " , International Conference on Advances in Chemical and Materials Sciences by :Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers at Kolkata / 375 / 2022


Premlata, Upender Pandel, Rajendra Kumar Duchaniya, "Coatings Based on High Entropy Alloys: An Overview" , International Conferences on Advances in Materials Processing and Manufacturing Applications by :Elsevier at Jaipur / 4467-4473 / 2021 ISBN: 2214-7853

Ravindra S. Shekhawat, Vijay N Nadakuduru, "Scope and Future Prospects of Friction Stir Spot Welding of Aluminium 6061 Alloy (Abstract)" , Materials Science and Nanotechnology by :Coalesce Research Group at Online / / 2021

Mrigesh N Verma, Vijay N Nadakuduru,, "Mechanical Alloying of γ TiAl Based Powder of Ti-46Al-1B (At%) Composition" , Advancement in Materials, Manufacturing and Energy Engineering - ICAMME 2021, Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering by :Springer Nature at Bhopal, India / / 2021 ISBN: Accepted

Mrigesh N Verma, Vijay N Nadakuduru, "Synthesis of Bulk Consolidated Ti-46Al-1B(at%) Alloy via Powder Metallurgy Route Using Induction Sintering Technique" , Recent Advances in Manufacturing Processes and Systems, Proceedings of RAM 2021, Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering by :Springer Nature at Surat, India / / 2021 ISBN: Accepted

Mukesh Kumar, Swati Sharma, R. K. Goyal, "Effect of Fly Ash on the Thermal Properties of Poly(ether-Ketone) Based Composites" , International Conference on Materials and Technologies (Material TECH 2021) by :NIT Raipur at NIT Raipur / / 2021

Nidhi Sindhu, Rajendra Kumar Goyal, Thankachan T. Pullan, Unnikrishnan, T.P.D. Rajan, Sree Manu, Sreekumar Vadakke Madam, "Study on Al/TiB2 Functionally Graded Metal Matrix Composites" , International Conference on Materials and Technologies (MaterialTECH 2021) by :Elsevier at Raipur / 2945-2951 / 2021 ISBN: ISSN: 2214-7853

Nidhi Sindhu, Rajendra Kumar Goyal, Thankachan T. Pullan, Unnikrishnan, T.P.D. Rajan, Sree Manu, Sreekumar Vadakke Madam, "Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Aluminium/ Titanium Diboride Functionally Graded Metal Matrix Composites" , International Conference on 58th National Metallurgists’ Day and 74th Annual Technical Meetings (NMD-ATM 2020) by :The Indian Institute of Metals at IIT Bombay / / 2021


Premlata, Upender Pandel, Rajendra Kumar Duchaniya, "Review on Wear Performance of High Entropy Alloys" , International Conference on Recent Trends in Science, Engineering and Mathematics-2020 by :International Conference on Recent Trends in Science, Engineering and Mathematics at Goa / / 2020

Dr. Rajendra Kumar Duchaniya, Prof. Upender Pandel, Premlata Rao, "Coatings Based on High Entropy Alloys: An Overview" , Advances in Materials Processing & Manufacturing Applications by :Materials Today Proceedings at Jaipur / / 2020

Sunil Kumar Jatav, Vijay Kumar Pandey, U. Pandel, Parimal P. Kulkarni, A. K. Nayak, Rajendra Kumar Duchaniya, "Effect of Soaking Time at 1100oC on Morphology and Thermo-Physical Properties of CaO-Fe2O3 (26:74 by wt.%) Simulant Material for Nuclear Reactor" , International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Nanotechnology (ICAMEN) by :International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Nanotechnology at Manipal Univertsity at JAIPUR / / 2020

Premlata. Deepika Singh, Upender Pandel And Rajendra Kumar Duchaniya, "Graphene Oxide Reinforced High Entropy Alloy (CuNiFeCrMo-GO) Nanocomposite Coating Deposited by Electroless Coating Method on Mild Steel" , International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Nanotechnology (ICAMEN) by :International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Nanotechnology at Manipal Univertsity at JAIPUR / / 2020

Krishna Kumar and Upender Pandel, "Air Stabilized Nano Zero Valent Iron (NZVI) -Synthesis and Application for Waste Water Treatment" , International Conference on Science, Technology, Engineering and Management Cairo by :Conference Proceeding at Cairo Egypt / 1-5 / 2020 ISBN: 2321-8991

Upender Pandel and Krishna Kumar, "Polymer Assisted Zero Valent Iron (ZVI) Particles for the Removal of Arsenic From Water" , International Conference on Science, Technology, Engineering and Management Cairo by :Conference Proceeding at Cairo Egypt / 6-10 / 2020 ISBN: 2321-8991

Sunil Kumar Jatav Krishna kumar, "Effect of Magnetic Field Media on the Fluid Flow of Continuous Casting Mold With Application of Magnetic Field in X, Y, Z-Direction" , International Conference on Industrial and Manufacturing Systems (CIMS-2020) by :Conference Proceeding at NIT Jalandhar / 42 / 2020

Sandeep Kumar, Sunil Manani, Patel Nikunj, Ajaya KumarPradhan, "Synthesis and Air Jet Erosion Wear Behavior of Aluminum – Al3Ti in-Situ Composite" , 2nd International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Nanotechnology by :Materials Today Proceedings - Elsevier at Jaipur / 28-4-2572 / 2020

Mrigesh N. Verma, Vijay N Nadakuduru, "Synthesis of Submicrocrystalline TiAl Based Alloy Powder Using High Energy Ball Milling (Abstract)" , Webinar on Materials Science and Nanotechnology by :Coalesce Research Group at Online / / 2020

R. Verma, M. J. Rathod, and R. K. Goyal, "A Review on the Effect of Processing Techniques and Functionalization of Filler on Mechanical Properties of Polymer Nanocomposites" , National Conference on Advanced Materials and Applications (NCAMA 2019) by : IOP Publishing Ltd at Raipur / 012031 / 2020

M. G. Kulthe, S. Ramteke, R.K.Goyal, S.P. Butee, " Creep Properties of MWCNTs Reinforced High Performance Poly(ether-Ketone) Polymer Nanocomposites, " , National Conference on Advancement in Materials Processing Technology by :National Institute of Technology Jamshedpur at Jamshedpur / / 2020

Shanoob Balachandran, Abhishek Tripathi, Arunima Banerjee, Manaswini Chinara, Ravi Teja, S.J. Suresha, Deep Choudhuri, Rajarshi Banerjee and Dipankar Banerjee, "Transformations, Recrystallization, Microtexture and Plasticity in Titanium Alloys" , The 14th World Conference on Titanium by :MATEC Web of Conferences at Nantes, France / 321,11020 / 2020

Sandeep K. Sahoo, Randhir K. Singh, Jogendra Majhi, Bhabani P. Sahoo, Pritam Priyadarsana, "Tribological Behaviour of Al-Si-TiB2 in-Situ Composites" , Conference on Processing and Characterization of Materials by :Conference Proceedings at NIT Rourkela / / 2020


Sunil Kumar Jatav, Vijay Kumar Pandey, Parimal P. Kulkarni, U. Pandel, A. K. Nayak and R. K. Duchaniya, "Effect of Air-Quenching on Properties of CaO-Fe2O3 and CaO-B2O3 Simulant Materials for Nuclear Reactor" , International Conference on Recent Trends in Sciences, Engineering and Management by :International Conference on Recent Trends in Sciences, Engineering and Management at Jaipur / / 2019

Vijay Kumar Pandey, Sunil Kumar Jatav, U. Pandel, R. K. Duchaniya, "Microstructural Analysis of CaO-Fe2O3 Heat Treated at Different Temperature" , International Conference on Recent Trends in Sciences, Engineering and Management by :International Conference on Recent Trends in Sciences, Engineering and Management at Jaipur / / 2019

Vijay Kumar Pandey, R. K. Duchaniya, U. Pandel, Surjeet Yadav, "Behavior of Thermophysical Properties of Heat Treated CaO-Fe2O3 at Different Temperature" , International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Nanotechnology by :International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Nanotechnology at Jaipur / / 2019

M. G. Kulthe, R. K. Goyal, A. Dixit, K. Gujar, "Electrical Properties of MWCNTs Reinforced High Performance Polymer Nanocomposites" , International Conference on Chemistry, Environment, and Energy by :Yashavantrao Chavan Institute of Science at Satara / / 2019


Sunil Kumar Jatav, Shrikant, Rajendra Kumar Duchaniya, Upender Pandel and A. K. Nayak, "A Study on the Properties and Characterization of Non-Irradiate and Irradiate Redmud Brick Sample" , International Conference on Emerging Trends in Materials & Mechanical Engineering by :International Conference on Emerging Trends in Materials & Mechanical Engineering at Jaipur / / 2018

Sunil Kumar Jatav, Parimal P. Kulkarni, U. Pandel, A. K. Nayak and R. K. Duchaniya, "A Study on the Characterizations of a Binary Mixture CaO-Fe2O3 (22:78 by wt.%)" , International Conference on Recent Trends in Science, Engineering and Management by :International Conference on Recent Trends in Science, Engineering and Management at Jaipur / / 2018

Shrikant, S. K. Jatav, P. P. Kulkarni, U. Pandel, A. K. Nayak, R. K. Duchaniya, "Investigation of Simulant Material With Different Temperatures and Its Melt Pool With Quenching Behaviour" , International Conference on Emerging Trends in Materials and Mechanical Engineering by :International Conference on Emerging Trends in Materials & Mechanical Engineering at Jaipur / / 2018

Neelam Meena, Rajendra Kumar Duchaniya, Upender Pandel, "Synthesis and Characterzation of Graphene Oxide and Graphene Oxide Doped Poly Vinyl Alcohol (PVA) Nanocomposite Thin Film" , International Conference on Emerging Trends in Materials and Mechanical Engineering by :International Conference on Emerging Trends in Materials & Mechanical Engineering at Jaipur / / 2018

Vijay Kumar Pandey, R. K. Duchaniya, U. Pandel, Sunil Jatav, Shrikant, "Analysis of Thermophysical Properties of CaO-Fe2O3" , International Conference on Recent Trends in Science, Engineering and Management by :International Conference on Recent Trends in Science, Engineering and Management at Jaipur / / 2018

A. M. Patki, G. Shendre, S. D. Gaikwad and R. K. Goyal, "Effect of Micro- and Nanoparticles of Ceramics on Thermal and Mechanical Properties of High-Performance Polymeric Composites " , International Conference on Polymer Science and Technology by :Macro at Pune / / 2018

R. K. Goyal, "High Performance Polymeric Nanocomposites: Synthesis and Properties " , International Conference on Nano-Structured Materials and Devices by :University of Delhi at New Delhi / / 2018

Ganesh Sundara Raman Subramanian, R.K. Singh, "Effect of Contact Material on Fretting Fatigue Behaviour of Ti-6Al-4V" , International Conference on PROCESSING & MANUFACTURING of ADVANCED MATERIALS Processing, Fabrication, Properties, Applications by :Conference Proceedings at Paris - FRANCE / / 2018

R.K. Singh, J.K. Sahu, "Effect of Initial Loading Path on Low Cycle Fatigue Behaviour of Nickel Base Superalloy in 740H" , International Conference on Advance Materials and Manufacturing Processes for Strategic Sectors by :Conference Proceedings at VSSC Thiruvananthapuram / / 2018


Vandana Kaler, R.K. Duchaniya, U. Pandel, "Development of TiO2/PVA Nanocomposites for Applications in Solar Cells" , Materials Processing and Characterization (ICMPC-2017) by :Materials Today at Hyderabad / / 2017

Krishna Kumar and Upender Pandel, "Synthesis of Iron Oxide –Graphene Magnetic Nano Composites by Mechanical Milling and Sonication Assisted Exfoliation" , Forum of Interglobe Academia International Conference on Advance Materials &Amp; Technology (ICAMT-2017) by :- at Thailand / 1-5 / 2017

M.K. Mishra, G. Gunashekaran, A.G. Rao, B.P. Kashyap, N. Prabhu, "Friction Stir Processing of 2507 Super Duplex Stainless Steel: Microstructure and Corrosion Behaviour" , Proceedings of Friction Stir Welding and Processing IX by :The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society at San Diego, USA / 289-296 / 2017

F. Krkemeyer, K. D. Molodov, A. Dalinger, G. Gerstein, A. Tripathi, S. Zaefferer, A. D. Molodov, "Mechanical Properties of Mg and Mg Alloys During and After High Current Density Pulses" , 2nd Conference and Exhibition on Light Materials by :Materials Today at Bremen, Germany / / 2017

Pallabi Bhuyan, Syed Nasimul Alam, D. Panda, Lailesh Kumar, Harspreet Singh, "Synthesis and Characterization of Cu-Fe3Al Composites Using Powder Metallurgy Route" , 5th International Conference on Materials Processing and Characterzation by :Elsevier at GRIET Hyderabad / 213 / 2017 ISBN: 2214-7853


Jyotirmaya Kar, S.K. Roy, G.G. Roy, "Effect of Beam Oscillation on Mechanical and Corrosion Properties of AISI 316L Electron Beam Welds" , National Welding Seminar (NWS) 2016 by :National Welding Seminar at Kolkata, India / / 2016

Brij Mohan Mundotiya, Lutz Rissing, Marc Christopher Wurz, "Effect of Annealing Temperature on the Coercivity and the Electrical Resistivity of the Electrodeposited Ni-Fe-W Alloy Film" , ECS Prime 2016 by :Electrochemical Society at Honolulu, Hawaii / 59 - 65 / 2016 ISBN: 1938-5862

R.K. Singh, J.K. Sahu, S. Tarafder, "Strain Rate Effect on High Temperature Low Cycle Fatigue Properties of Nickel-Based Superalloy IN740H" , 7th International Conference on CREEP, FATIGUE and CREEP-FATIGUE INTERACTION by :Conference Proceedings at Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research,Kalpakkam / / 2016

Pallabi Bhuyan, Harspreet Singh,Lailesh Kumar,Nidhi Sharma,D. Panda, Deepanshu Verma, Syed Nasmul Alam, "Development of Cu-E-Glass Fiber Composites by Powder Metallurgy Route." , 5th National Conference on Processing and Characterization of Materials by :IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering at NIT Rourkela / 012023 / 2016 ISBN: 1757-8981

L. Kumar, S. N. Alam, S. Sahoo, D. Panda, "Synthesis of TiB2 Nanocomposites by Powder Metallurgy Route" , International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Material Sciences (ICEMS2016) by :ELSEVIER at Jaipur / 9883 / 2016 ISBN: 2214-7853


Shrikant, R.K. Duchaniya, U. Pandel , "Review of Melt Coolability During a Severe Accident for the Current Light Water Reactors (Lwrs)" , 3rd International Conference on Advance Trends in Engineering & Technology (ICATET) by :AICTE at Jaipur / 152 / 2015 ISBN: 978-81-925882-3-0

Vandana Kaler, R.K. Duchaniya, U. Pandel, "Silver Doped Poly Vinyl Alcohol Nanocomposites" , 3rd International Conference on Advance Trends in Engineering & Technology (ICATET) by :AICTE at JAIPUR-INDIA / 162 / 2015 ISBN: 978-81-925882-3-0

Vandana Kaler, Dr. R. K. Duchaniya, Prof. U. Pandel, "Synthesis of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles via Sol-Gel Method" , International Conference on Emerging Technologies: Micro to Nano 2015 by :American Institute of Physics at Jaipur / / 2015

Shrikant, Dr. R. K. Duchaniya, Prof. U. Pandel, Dr. A. K. Nayak, "Quenching Behavior of Molten Pool With Different Strategies - a Review" , International Conference on Condensed Matter and Applied Physics- ICC 2015 by :American Institute of Physics at Bikaner / / 2015

Shrikant, Dr. R. K. Duchaniya, Prof. U. Pandel, Dr. A. K. Nayak, "Studies of Quenching Behavior of Molten Pool With Different Strategies" , International Symposium on Frontier of Molecular Science and Technology by :MNIT at Jaipur / / 2015

Vandana Kaler, Dr. R. K. Duchaniya, Prof. U. Pandel, "Characterization Studies of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles" , International Symposium on Frontier of Molecular Science & Technology by :MNIT, Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2015

Rahul Sen, N.C.Upadhayay, Upender Pandel, "BIO-DEGRADABLE COMPOSITE MADE FROM STARCH and COCONUT FIBER : MECHANICAL STRENGTH and BIODEGRATION CHRACTERSTICS" , International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research by :International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research at New Delhi / 2394 3386 / 2015

Vatsala Chaturvedi, Upender Pandel, "Improvement of Mechanical Properties by Vibration on AZ91 During Solidification" , Management and Applied Sciences by :International Journal of Engineering Technology at New Delhi / / 2015

M Panigrahi, PK Rana, AK Pradhan, PK Rout, AK Samal, S Gupta, MB Kumar, "Production of Geopolymer Based Construction Material From Pond Ash: An Industrial Waste" , 19th International Conference on Nonferrous Metals-2015 by :Proceedings of Nineteenth International Conference on Nonferrous Metals at Bhubaneswar / 190-200 / 2015

Jyotirmaya Kar, S.K. Roy, G.G. Roy, "Effect of Beam Oscillation on Electron Beam Welding of AISI-316L Joints" , 3rd International Conference on Lasers and Plasma Applications in Materials Science 2015 (LAPAMS 2015) by :Proceedings of Third International Conference on Laser and Plasma Application in Materials Science at Kolkata, India / 130-134 / 2015

D. Panda, Lailesh Kumar and Syed Nasimul Alam, "Development of Al-Fe3Al Nanocomposite by Powder Metallurgy Route" , 4th International Conference on Materials Processing and Characterzation by :Elsevier at GRIET, Hyderabad / 3565 / 2015 ISBN: 2214-7853


Rahul Sen, Upender Pandel, "Direct Reduction of Mill Scale by Low Grade Coal: An Industrial Waste Recover Approach" , International Conference on Advances in Chemical Engineering and Technology by :TKM College of Engineering and Technology,Kollam at Kollam / / 2014

H.C. Dey, Jyotirmaya Kar, G.G. Roy, S.K. Albert, A.K. Bhaduri, "Mechanical Properties and Microstructure Characterization of Electron Beam Weld Joint of Modified 9Cr-1Mo Steel" , International Institute of Welding-International Welding Congress 2014 (IC 2014) by :The Indian Institute of Welding at New Delhi, India / 209-216 / 2014

Jyotirmaya Kar, S.K. Roy, G.G. Roy, "Effect of Beam Oscillation on the Electron Beam Welding of Copper to AISI-304 Stainless Steel" , First International Conference on Structural Integrity (ICONS-2014) by :Proceedings of International Conference on Structural Integrity at Kalpakkam, India / 237-244 / 2014

Brij Mohan Mundotiya, Marc Christopher Wurz, Lutz Rissing, "A Comparative Study of Saturation Induction With Current Density of Electrodeposited Fe-Ni-W Alloys" , 2014 ECS and SMEQ Joint International Meeting by :Electrochemical Society at Cancun, Maxico / 75-83 / 2014 ISBN: 1938-5862

R.K. Singh, J.K. Sahu, S. Paswan, S. Tarafder, "A Comparative TGA Study on High Temperature Oxidation & Hot Corrosion of Inconel Alloy 740H " , International Symposium for Research Scholars on Metallurgy, Material Science and Engineering by :IIT Madras at Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai / / 2014


Vatsala Chaturvedi, Rahul Sen, Upender Pandel, "An Overview of Improvement of Properties of AZ91 Mg Alloy by Grain Refinement Through Vibration" , International Conference on Advance Trends in Eng. & Tech by :International Conference on Advance Trends in Eng. & Tech, Organized by Arya College Jaipur at jaipur / / 2013

Rupali Baghel, Rahul Sen, Vatsala Chaturvedi, "An Overview of Utilization of Marble Slurry as Construction Material" , International Conference on Advance Trends in Eng. & Tech by :International Conference on Advance Trends in Eng. & Tech, Organized by Arya College Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2013

5. Vatsala Chaturvedi, Upender Pandel, Ashok Sharma, "An Overview of Effect of Vibration on AZ91 Mg Alloy During Solidification" , National Conference on Recent Trends in Materials Engineering by :National Conference on Recent Trends in Materials Engineering, Organized by BRCM College of Engineer at Bahal, Haryana / / 2013

Isha Thapa, Satender Dahiya, Vatsala Chaturvedi, "Improvement in the Performance and Effectiveness of Internal Combustion Engines With the Application of Ceramic Coatings" , Proceedings of International Conference of Alternative Fuels for I.C. Engines by :Proceedings of International Conference of Alternative Fuels for I.C. Engines, Organized by Departme at MNIT Jaipur / 44 / 2013

Swati Garnaik, S. Sindal, B. Majhi, N. Birjarnia and U. Pandel, "Corrosion and Its Prevention Techniques" , National Conference on Recent Trends in Materials Engineering by :National Conference on Recent Trends in Materials Engineering, Organized by BRCM College at Bahal, Haryana / / 2013

A. Tripathi, I. Samajdar, A. Tewari, A.K.Kanjarla, N. Srinivasan, G.M. Reddy, J.F. Nie, "Texture and Microstructure Developments During Friction Stir Processing of Magnesium Alloy AZ31" , Materials Science and Technology (MS&T) by :Magnesium Technology at Montreal, Quebec, Canada / 1516-1517 / 2013


Isha Thapa, Upender Pandel,, "Review on Utilization of Fly Ash as a Ceramic Material" , Nanotechnology Application (NTA-2012) by :The Institution of Engineers Rajasthan Chapter Jaipur, MNIT Jaipur at MNIT Jaipur / / 2012


S. Kumar, U. Pandel and M. P. Poonia, "A Comparative Study of Air Pollution Standards of Vehicles for Different Countries" , International Conference on Mechanical Engineering by :International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Held at Bangladesh at Dhaka, Bangladesh / / 2011

U. Pandel, S. Kumar, and M. P. Poonia, "Utilisation of Bio-Gas in Internal Combustion Engines" , International Conference on Mechanical Engineering by :International Conference on Mechanical Engineering’Held at Bangladesh at Dhaka, Bangladesh. / / 2011


F Kong, S Raynova, V N Nadakuduru, D Zhang B Gabbitas, "Mechanical Behavior of Ti and Ti-6-4V Alloy Rods Produced by Powder Compact Extrusion" , International Conference on Structural Integrity and Failure, 4 – 7 July, 2010, Auckland, New Zealand by :International Conference at Auckland, New Zealand / / 2010

Vijay N Nadakuduru, Deliang Zhang, Peng Cao, Brian Gabbitas, "Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ti-47Al-2Cr (At %) Alloy Produced Using Thermo-Mechanical Consolidation of a Ti/Al/Cr Composite Powder." , Titanium Research Development and Commercialisation, Hamilton, New Zealand by :WAICAM Symposium at Hamilton, New Zealand ( Attended ) / / 2010

Deliang Zhang, Vijay N Nadakuduru, Aamir Mukhtar, Stiliana Raynova, "Fracture of Metallic Materials Produced by Powder Consolidation " , International Conference on Structural Integrity and Failure by :- at Auckland, New Zealand. / / 2010 ISBN: Abstract

Deliang Zhang, Stiliana Raynova, Vijay Nadakuduru, Peng Cao, Brian Gabbitas, Barry Robinson, "Cost-Effective Production and Thermomechanical Consolidation of Titanium Alloy Powders" , TMS 2010 Symposium: Cost-Affordable Titanium by :Minerals, Metals and Materials Society at P. O. Box 430 Warrendale PA 15086, USA / / 2010

Deliang Zhang, Aamir Mukhter, Amro Gazawi, Vijay Nadakuduru, "Synthesis of Bulk Nanostructured and Ultrafine Structured Metallic Materials by Thermomechanical Consolidation of Nanostructured Powders" , TMS by :Minerals, Metals and Materials Society AIME, at Warrendale PA 15086 USA / / 2010


V. Nadakuduru, D. Zhang, P. Cao, B. Gabbitas, "High Temperature Mechanical Properties of Ti-47Al-2Cr (At%) Alloy Produced Using Powder Compact Forging of a Mechanically Milled Powder" , Processing, Microstructure and Performance of Materials, Auckland, New Zealand by :IOP Conference Series at Auckland, New Zealand / / 2009

Stiliana Raynova, Deliang Zhang, Dorothee Polo, Laurent Gonthier, William Egea, Vijay Nadakuduru , "Sintering Behaviour of Induction Heated Ti and Ti6Al4V Powder Compacts " , SMNZI Materials Conference, Hamilton, New Zealand by :Proceedings of SMNZI Conference at Hamilton, New Zealand / / 2009

Deliang Zhang, Stiliana Raynova, Vijay N. Nadakuduru, Brian Gabbitas, Barry Robinson, "Consolidation of Ti, Ti-6Al-4V Using Powder Compact Forging. " , LMT2009, Gold Coast, Australia by :Light Metals Technology at Gold Coast, Australia (Oral Presentation) / / 2009

Vijay N Nadakuduru, Deliang Zhang, Peng Cao, Brian Gabbitas, "Mechanical Behaviour of Ti-47Al-2Cr (At%) Alloy" , SMNZI by :- at Hamilton, New Zealand / / 2009


Vijay. N. Nadakuduru, Deliang Zhang, Peng Cao and Brian Gabbitas, "Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of Ultrafine Grained Ti-47Al-2Cr (At %) Alloy Produced Using Powder Compact Forging" , Advanced Materials and Processing, Harbin, China by :Advanced Materials and Processing at Harbin, China / / 2008


Shweta Chokhra, Nikhila Sharma, Smriti Patodi and U. Pandel, "Thermal Spray Coatings for Corrosion Control" , All India Seminar on Surface Coatings and Corrosion Resistance by :All India Seminar on Surface Coatings and Corrosion Resistance, Organized by IE at Jaipur / / 2007

Swati Garnaik, S. Sindal, B. Majhi, N. Birjarnia and U. Pandel, "Surface Coatings by Ceramic Materials" , All India Seminar on Surface Coatings and Corrosion Resistance by :All India Seminar on Surface Coatings and Corrosion Resistance, Organized by IE Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2007

Swati Garnaik, S. Sindal, B. Majhi, N. Birjarnia and U. Pandel, "100 % Solid Polyurethanes Protective Coatings for Pipelines" , All India Seminar on Surface Coatings by :All India Seminar on Surface Coatings Organized by IE ,Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2007

Shweta Chokhra, Nikhila Sharma, Smriti Patodi and U. Pandel, "Corrosion Prevention by Nanomaterials" , All India Seminar on Surface Coatings and Corrosion Resistance by :All India Seminar on Surface Coatings and Corrosion Resistance, Organized by IE Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2007

Jitendra Kumar Singh and U. Pandel, "Corrosion and Its Prevention in Bio-Medical Materials" , All India Seminar on Surface Coatings and Corrosion Resistance by :All India Seminar on Surface Coatings and Corrosion Resistance, Organized by IE Jaipur at Jaipur / / 2007

V. N Nadakuduru, P. Cao, D. Zhang, B. Gabbitas, "Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of Ultrafine Grained Ti-47Al-2Cr (At %) Alloy Produced by Hot Isostatic Pressing of Powders" , 11th World Conference on Titanium on (JIMIC5), Kyoto, Japan by :World Conference on Titanium at Kyoto, Japan / / 2007

H. Yu, D. Zhang, Y. Chen, P. Cao, B. Gabbitas, V. Nadakuduru, "Mechanical Properties and Formability of Ultrafine Grained γ-TiAl Based Ti-47Al and Ti-45Al-2Cr-2Nb-1B-0.5Ta (At%) Alloys Produced by PM Route" , 11th World Conference on Titanium on (JIMIC5), Kyoto, Japan by :World Conference on Titanium at Kyoto, Japan / / 2007

Zhang, D. L., Nadakuduru, V. N., Yu, H. B., Cao, P., Gabbitas, B., "Synthesis and Consolidation of Ultrafine Structured and Nanostructured Ti/Al Composite and TiA1 Based Alloy Powders" , Advanced Materials and Processing by :In S. A. Kori, C. Esling, M. Gadge Eds., Proceedings of the International Symposium at Basaveswara Engineering College, Karnataka, India / 1 - 9 / 2007


Swati Garnaik, J. Bodhwani, B. Majhi and U. Pandel, "Energy From Bio-Mass and Environmental Effect" , National Conference on Energy and Environment by :National Conference on Energy and Environment, Organized by JEC Kukas at JEC Kukas / / 2006

Vijay N Nadakuduru, Deliang Zhang, Peng Cao, Brian Gabbitas, "Ultrafine Alloy Prepared Using High Energy Milling and HIP" , International Conference on Advanced Materials and Processing by :- at Hamilton / / 2006


U. Pandel and A. Sharma, "Bio Technology for Recovery of Metals From Minerals : An Economic Alternative" , Symposium on Role of Mineral Sector in Integrating India With Global Economy by :Symposium on Role of Mineral Sector in Integrating India With Global Economy, Organized by IIM at Khetri Nagar / / 2005

G.Sreenivasulu, N. Navaratna Vijay, G. Markandeyulu, B.S. Murty , "Sm2Co17 –Fe/Co Nano Composite Permanent Magnets Using High Energy Ball Milling" , International Symposium on Frontiers in Design of Materials (FDM 2005) by :- at IIT Madras, Chennai / / 2005 ISBN: Poster


Singh, U. N Pandel and A. Sharma, "Advances in Mould Fluxes for Continuous Casting Process" , National Seminar on Intelligent Processing of New Material by :National Seminar on Intelligent Processing of New Materials, Organized by IE at Jaipur / / 2004


J. Mathur, M. P. Poonia, U. Pandel and S. Malik , "Development of a Mini Bio-Mass Gasifier for Conversion of Waste to Energy" , National Renewable Energy Convention by :National Renewable Energy Convention, Coimbatore at Coimbatore / / 2003

S. Mehtab, U. Pandel and M. P. Poonia, "Vermicompost- a Viable Option of Chemical Fertilizers" , Conference Proceedings, Energy and Environmental Technologies for Sustainable Development by :Conference Proceedings, Energy and Environmental Technologies for Sustainable Development at MNIT, Jaipur, India. / / 2003

P.K. Pandey, D. Bhattacharya D. and U. Pandel, "Risk in Exploration of Biogas Technology: Prospects and Unutilized Potential in Rural Energy Development" , Conference Proceedings, Energy and Environmental Technologies for Sustainable Development by :Conference Proceedings, Energy and Environmental Technologies for Sustainable Development at MNIT, Jaipur, India. / / 2003

J. Joshi, U. Pandel and B. S. Joshi, "Heavy Metals Contamination by Sewage Sludge (Bio-Solids) Amended Soils" , Conference Proceedings, Energy and Environmental Technologies for Sustainable Development by :Conference Proceedings, Energy and Environmental Technologies for Sustainable Development at MNIT, Jaipur, India. / / 2003

U. Pandel, "Geo-Thermal Power Production – an Option for Future" , Conference Proceedings, Energy and Environmental Technologies for Sustainable Development by :Conference Proceedings, Energy and Environmental Technologies for Sustainable Development at MREC, Jaipur, India. / / 2003


U. Pandel, H. C. Aggarwal, K. L. Narang, and M. K. Bhargava, , "Waste Management in Iron and Steel Industry" , Conference Proceedings, Waste to Energy by :Conference Proceedings, Waste to Energy at MREC, Jaipur, India / / 2002

U. Pandel, H.C. Aggarwal, K. L. Narang, and M. K. Bhargava, "Environmental and Waste Management in Non-Ferrous Metallurgical Industries" , Conference Proceedings, Waste to Energy by :Conference Proceedings, Waste to Energy at MREC, Jaipur, India. / / 2002


S. R. Jangid, U. Pandel, A. Sharma, K. L. Narang and T. V. Rajan, "Mould Fluxes for Continuous Casting- State of Art" , Proceedings of 49th Indian Foundry Congress by :Proceedings of Indian Foundry Congress at New Delhi. / / 2001

M. P. Poonia, U. Pandel, and S. Kumar, "A Comparative Study of Air Pollution Standards of Vehicles for Different Countries" , Presented at Jodhpur Polytechnic on Nov. 17, in AICTE Sponsored Training Program. by :Presented at Jodhpur Polytechnic in AICTE Sponsored Training Program. at Jodhpur / / 2001


M. P. Poonia, U. Pandel, and S. Kumar, "Utilization of Bio-Gas in Internal Combustion Engines" , Paper Presented at Udaipur in a Training Program by : Paper Presented at Udaipur in a Training Program at Udaipur / / 2000


U. Pandel, A. Sharma A. and T.V. Rajan, "Improvement in Wear Resistance of Caste Al-Si-Cu Alloys by Vibrations" , International Symposium on Frontiers in Materials Processing by :International Symposium on Frontiers in Materials Processing, Organized by IIM, at Bangalore / / 1998

U. Pandel, S. Kumar, R. K. Yadav and A. B. Gupta, "A Study on Toxic Effects of Aluminum in Drinking Water" , International Symposium on Frontiers in Materials Processing by :International Symposium on Frontiers in Materials Processing, Organized by IIM at Bangalore. / / 1998


U. Pandel, "Energy Conservation in Melting of Copper and Copper Alloys in Electric Furnaces" , National Seminar on Energy Conservation in Industry by :National Seminar on Energy Conservation in Industry, Organized by IE Jodhpur at Jodhpur / / 1992


U. Pandel, A. Sharma. and T. V. Rajan, "Effect of Vibrations on Some Caste Al-Si-Cu Alloys" , US Workshops on Principles of Solidification and Materials Processing, Organized by DMRL, Hyderabad by :US Workshops on Principles of Solidification and Materials Processing, Organized by DMRL, Hyderabad at Hyderabad / / 1987

   Book/Chapter Publications (32)


Book Chapter" "Chapter-10: Hybrid Welding Processes: Challenges and Future Perspective," Book: Advanced Welding Techniques: Current Trends and Future Perspective ISBN:978-1-03256-511-8 published by - CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Year 2024 Authors- B. M. Mundotiya

Book Chapter" "Chapter-3: Morphology, microstructure and soft magnetic properties of electrodeposited Fe-Ni-based ternary alloy films," Book: Futuristic Trends in Chemical Material Sciences & Nano Technology ISBN:978-93-5747-436-8 published by - Iterative International Publishers (IIP) Year 2024 Authors- B. M. Mundotiya

Book Chapter" "Chapter-5: Electrodeposition of High Entropy Alloy Coating: A Brief of The Deposition Parameters," Book-Futuristic Trends in Chemical, Material Sciences & Nano Technology ISBN:978-93-5747-436-8 published by - Iterative International Publishers (IIP) Year 2024 Authors- A. Shah, B. Chauhan, R. K. Rai, B. M. Mundotiya

Book Chapter" Advancements in Materials Processing Technology, Volume 1 ISBN:10.1007/978-981-97-4958-4 published by - Springer Proceedings in Materials Year 2024 Authors- Premlata Rao, Krishna Kumar, Upender Pandel

Book Chapter" An Investigation on Mechanical and Electrochemical Properties of Ti-6Al-4V alloy by Scheduling Heat-treatment in Pure beta and alpha + beta region ISBN:978-981-97-4556-2 published by - Springer Year 2024 Authors- Bishnu Prasad Mahto, Daljeet Singh, Rajiv Kumar, Rajesh Kumar Rai, and M. K. Mishra

Book Chapter" Configurational force-based creep crack growth modeling using finite element analysis in polymer composites ISBN:978-0-443-14087-7 published by - Woodhead Publishing in Materials Year 2024 Authors- Ritesh Gupta, Awanish Kumar Mishra, Krishna Kumar, Abhishek Tiwari

Book Chapter" Futuristic Trends in Mechanical Engineering ISBN:978-93-5747-352-1 published by - Iterative International Publishers (IIP) Year 2024 Authors- Ritesh Gupta, Krishna Kumar, Upender Pandel

Book Chapter" Recent Advances in Electrochemical Science and Technology ISBN:978-981-97-3957-8 published by - Springer Nature Singapore Year 2024 Authors- Mansha Mohan, Sujata Singh, Upender Pandel, Krishna Kumar

Book Chapter" Study of temperature-stimulated polymer composites using ABAQUS under transverse loading ISBN:978-0-443-14087-7 published by - Woodhead Publishing in Materials Year 2024 Authors- Ritesh Gupta, Nilesh Tiwari, Krishna Kumar, Upender Pandel


Book Chapter" Chapter 6 - Graphene extraction from the battery waste, Book: Graphene extraction from waste: A sustainable synthesis approach for graphene and Its derivatives, ISBN:978-0-323-90914-3 published by - Elsevier Year 2023 Authors- Suresh Bandi and Ajeet K. Srivastav


Book Chapter" Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering ISBN:2195-4356 published by - Springer Nature Year 2022 Authors- Mechanical Alloying of Gamma TiAl-Based Powder of Ti-46Al-1B (at%) Composition Mrigesh N Verma, Vijay N Nadakuduru

Book Chapter" Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering ISBN:2195-4364 published by - Springer Nature Year 2022 Authors- Synthesis of Bulk Consolidated Ti-46Al-1B (at%) Alloy via Powder Metallurgy Route Using Induction Sintering Technique Mrigesh N Verma, Vijay N Nadakuduru

Book Chapter" Chapter 5 - Magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles for biomedical applications, Book: Advanced materials for biomechanical applications ISBN:9781003286806 published by - CRC Press Year 2022 Authors- Vikram Hastak, Suresh Bandi, and Ajeet K. Srivastav

Book Chapter" Chapter 8 - Carbon nanotubes/graphene based biosensors, Book: Advanced nanocarbon materials: Applications for health care ISBN:9781003110781 published by - CRC Press Year 2022 Authors- Suresh Bandi and Ajeet K. Srivastav

Book Chapter" Evaluation of the Effect of Melt Thermal Treatment on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Al7Si Alloy ISBN:978-981-19-2187-2 published by - Springer (Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering) Year 2022 Authors- Sunil Manani, Sandeep Yadav, Ajaya Kumar Pradhan

Book Chapter" Modern Manufacturing Systems Trends and Developments ISBN:9781774910443/9781003284024 published by - Taylor and Fransis Group Year 2022 Authors- Sunil Kumar Jatav, Krishna Kumar, Sandip Sarkar, S. K. Ajmani, and M. K. Banerjee

Book Chapter" Study of Tribological Behavior and Wear Mechanism of Nanocomposite Coatings ISBN:9781-1198-1878-6 published by - John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Year 2022 Authors- L. Kumar, P. Shrivastava, D. Panda, A. Ghosh, and S.N. Alam


Book Chapter" Analysis of the Tribological Behaviour of AL6061 Alloy-Graphene Oxide Composites ISBN:9781003093213 published by - Taylor and Francis, CRC Press Year 2021 Authors- Prof. Upender Pandel, Dr. Rajendra Kumar Duchaniya, Atirek Gaur

Book Chapter" Chapter 7 - Graphene-based chemiresistive gas sensors, Book: CAC: Analytical applications of graphene for the comprehensive analytical chemistry ISBN:978-0-323-85371-2 published by - Elsevier Year 2021 Authors- Suresh Bandi and Ajeet K. Srivastav

Book Chapter" Instant Tuning of Wettability of Metallic Coating ISBN:9781003213185 published by - CRC Press Year 2021 Authors- Anup Kumar Keshri, Swati Sharma

Book Chapter" Performance of microwave irradiated WC-Co insert during dry machining of Inconel 718 superalloys ISBN:9780-1282-2124-2 published by - Woodhead Publishing Year 2021 Authors- T. Jadam, D. Panda, S. Chatterjee, S. Datta, S. K. Sahoo, and S. C. Mishra




Book Chapter" Electrodeposition Approaches to Deposit the Single Phase Solid Solution of Ag-Ni Alloy ISBN:978-1-83880-356-8 published by - IntechOpen Year 2019 Authors- Brij Mohan Mundotiya, Wahdat Ullah and Krishna Kumar


Book Chapter" "Chapter-11: Electrodeposition Approaches to Deposit the Single-phase Solid Solution of Ag-Ni Alloy," Book: Electric Power Conversion ISBN:978-1-83880-356-8 published by - IntechOpen Year 2018 Authors- B. M. Mundotiya, W. Ullah, and K Kumar

Book Chapter" "Chapter-2: Morphology Controlled Synthesis of the Nanostructured Gold by Electrodeposition Techniques," Book: Novel Metal Electrodeposition and the Recent Application ISBN:978-1-78985-296-7 published by - IntechOpen Year 2018 Authors- B. M. Mundotiya and W. Ullah


Reference Book" Nanomaterials and Nanocomposites: Synthesis, Properties, Characterization Techniques and Applications (Featured in Choice Review Magzine, Sep 2018) ISBN:ISBN-13: 978-1-4987-6166-6 published by - CRC Press, Tailor & Francis Group, Florida, USA, Year 2017 Authors- Rajendra Kumar Goyal


Reference Book" An Introduction to Surface Alloying of Metals ISBN:ISBN 978-81-322-1889-0 published by - Springer Year 2014 Authors- Santosh S. Hosmani, P. Kuppusami, Rajendra Kumar Goyal


Text Book" Environmental Engineering Experiments ISBN:81-8047-099-7 published by - Jaipur Publishing House Year 2008 Authors- Prof. Upender Pandel, Dr. Chandani Kriplani, Dr. Pallavi Mishra & Dr. Archana saxena


Text Book" Production Systems Management ISBN:81-8014-100-4 published by - Standard Publishers Distributors Delhi Year 2006 Authors- Prof. Upender Pandel, Prof. M.P. Poonia & Dr. B.L. Salvi


Reference Book" Energy Technologies For Sustainable Development ISBN:81-8229-000-7 published by - Prime Publishing House Delhi Year 2004 Authors- Prof. Upender Pandel & Prof. M.P. Poonia

Reference Book" Environmental Technologies For Sustainable Development ISBN:81-8229-001-5 published by - Prime Publishing House Delhi Year 2004 Authors- Prof. Upender Pandel & Prof. M.P. Poonia

Reference Book" Waste To Energy ISBN:81-8229-002-3 published by - Prime Publishing House Delhi Year 2004 Authors- Prof. Upender Pandel, Prof. M.P. Poonia, Prof. Jyotirmay Mathur & Prof. Sanjay Mathur